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Submission + - Liquid Sponges Extract Hydrogen from Water (

gaelfx writes: Researchers at Glasglow University have an interesting method of separating the hydrogen out of water: Liquid Sponges. Most methods of extracting the hydrogen involve some form electrolysis, but these generally require some pretty expensive materials.The researchers claim that they can accomplish this using less electricity, cheaper materials and 30 times faster to boot. With both Honda and Toyota promising hydrogen fuel cell cars in Japan within the next few years (other manufacturers must be considering it as well, if not as publicly), does this spell a new future for transportation technology?

Submission + - LA TV stations free up airwaves for wireless broadband

alphadogg writes: An effort to free up some of the airwaves used by TV broadcasts and make them available for wireless broadband took a big step forward this week in the U.S. Two TV stations in Los Angeles, KLCS and KCET, have agreed to share a single frequency to deliver their programming, freeing up a channel that can be auctioned off to wireless carriers next year. The change, which the Federal Communications Commission calls “repackaging,” is possible because digital TV broadcasts don’t need the full 6MHz of broadcast spectrum that was used for analog TV.

Submission + - 3.8 Gbps LTE speed achieved (

slash-sa writes: Nokia and SK Telecom have set a new world record for LTE with a throughput of 3.8Gbps, a speed that would allow mobile broadband users to download a full-length 5GB high-definition movie in 11 seconds. This was achieved by converging the TDD and FDD LTE spectrum, aggregating 10 frequencies allocated for both LTE variants to provide 200MHz of bandwidth. The demonstration was made during the Mobile Asia Expo in Shanghai, China, in June.

Submission + - Woman of 24 found to have no cerebellum in her brain (

Diggester writes: DON'T mind the gap. A woman has reached the age of 24 without anyone realising she was missing a large part of her brain. The case highlights just how adaptable the organ is.

The discovery was made when the woman was admitted to the Chinese PLA General Hospital of Jinan Military Area Command in Shandong Province complaining of dizziness and nausea. She told doctors she'd had problems walking steadily for most of her life, and her mother reported that she hadn't walked until she was 7 and that her speech only became intelligible at the age of 6.

Comment Tell me.... (Score 2) 249

The only percentage regarding Windows that I care about is what percentage of a reasonably priced SSD it will take up. Now, I realize that metric is subjective ("reasonable" being relative), but honestly, that's the worst part of the Windows tax: on a 240GB SSD, the footprint is something like 10%. Am I the only one who feels that's absurd?

Comment What I could change (Score 1) 559

Well, one thing that I always felt was missing from Nintendo's disc-based consoles is the ability to play DVDs and/or Blu-rays. I mean, it doesn't make much sense to buy a device you can put a disc into that can only be used to interact with a VERY limited number of discs.

They could also release apps for Android/iOS to allow phones and tablets to be used as a controller of some sort, or at the very least to interact with the consoles.

A whole other direction could be to let go of the hardware market; they do have some pretty successful names that would probably do very well on the app stores. If they really wanted to keep the hardware, they could make side-games that influence the console titles with accomplishments on other devices.

I think their biggest problem is the way they've isolated themselves from all other media/devices. They just can't survive alone, they need to realize that it's better to embrace others than it is to fear them.

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