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Comment Most of Apples "Professional" software... (Score 1) 556 not from Apple... Turning the "Final Cut Pro" nerfing into a broad argument for a dumbing down conspiracy is a bit much. The one thing that Apple has done consistently over the years is treat all of their software developers like competitors and all of the 3rd party hardware developers like enemies. The path of Apples success is littered with corpses of once supporters like Supermac, Radius, RasterOps and many others.

Comment Re:I am reminded of a quote... (Score 1) 354

White color crime, internet crime, and in general the "bad boy" rebels are glorified in pop culture and have no problem recruiting into their ranks - the evidence is irrefutable. Marginalizing and underestimating these groups is shortsighted denial. Typically the foot soldiers in these types of groups have little grasp or care for the consequences, so the whole thing about resisting interrogations and stares from cops are after-the-act fluff. The people and organizations that want to protect themselves against these threats need to pull their heads our of their butts and use a lot more common sense in their security setups. These kids are kicking the balls of decades of complacency - the cure is obvious.

Comment I am reminded of a quote... (Score 1) 354

The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers. I dont think that catching a few individuals will do much, if anything, the backlash may recruit more people into the ranks of Anonymous and LulzSec, and make them angrier.This is a classic insurgency and they are a real bitch to fight.

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