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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 44 declined, 9 accepted (53 total, 16.98% accepted)


Submission + - The 15 worst data security breaches of the 21st Century (

helix2301 writes: "Listing the 15 worst data security breaches in history. Out of all these I think the most brutal security breach was AOL because they got domain hijacked. But I think the VeriSign and Playstation hack effected more people and on a much larger scale. The Playstation network I remember took a VERY long time to recover from the hack and then was hacked again. Security is so important but no matter how much you secure something someone can almost always fine a back door especially if they have the time, resources and money."

Submission + - High-Speed USB 3.0 to Reach Smartphones and Tablet (

helix2301 writes: "USB 3.0 will reach smartphones and tablets by the end of the year says the USB standards setting organization on Sunday. The standard for smart phones and tablets will most likely be MicroUSB 3.0 technology it's faster then 2.0 and the small form factor will fit the devices very accordingly."

Submission + - Microsoft Upgrading Everyone To Latest Version Of ( 1

helix2301 writes: "Microsoft will be upgrading all Windows XP, Vista and 7 users to the latest IE silently. They are doing this because they have found a large number of non-patched systems. Microsoft pointed out that Chrome and Firefox do this regularly. They will start with Australia and Brazil in January then go world wide after they have assured there are no issues."

Submission + - Napster Being Shut Down (

helix2301 writes: "Napster which was the first music sharing site before any others is being shutdown in the next few days. Rhapsody has purchased Napster and will be shutting it down. Napster which has been around since the 90's and change the music business for better and for always. The company was founded by Shawn Parker and Shawn Fanning two college students."

Submission + - Pandora Adds 10,000 Comedy Clips (

helix2301 writes: "Pandora has added over 10,000 comedy clips from over 700 comedians. Pandora said they are taking the same approach to comedy as they take to music. Some of the comedians mentioned were George Carlin, Jerry Seinfeld and Adam Sandler just to name a few."
The Internet

Submission + - StartUp America (

helix2301 writes: "Startup America is an economic growth project that is in effort to help stimulate the economy. 15 companies have already committed to help with this project Facebook, IBM, AOL and LinkIn just to name a few."

Submission + - Microsoft Security Essentials A Windows Update Now (

helix2301 writes: Microsoft is adding Microsoft Security Essentials to windows update as a Optional update. No word yet on when or if the update will ever be a required update. Some companies has complained saying if this is a required update Microsoft would be cornering the market on Anti-Virus. Companies are also saying this could reek havoc on the personal computer since the user might already have an anti-virus installed.

Submission + - Skype Files 100Million IPO (

helix2301 writes: Skype has filed a 100 Million IPO statement. The company which was just purchased last year from Ebay by a group of private investors is hoping to file public to raise money to help move the company along with there plans. Will be interesting to see how this works out if they are making Facebook wait till 2012 to file public I wonder how long they will make Skype wait. If Skype gets turned down I wonder how this will effect their business model and plans for the company.

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