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Comment Re:"I'm not dead yet" (Score 1) 36

They can keep trolling right along, but just need to restructure the deal as a contingency-fee based legal representation and file the suits in the name of the newspaper instead of the troll. Of course, that opens the paper up to damages on any counter-claims or fee awards if they bring a baseless suit, and unlike the shell company troll that Rightshaven was, actually do have assets that can be taken to satisfy such an award. And they will have to accept the PR hits that such suits would generate as well.

Comment Re:Disconcerting? (Score 1) 348

Yes, it is inherently wrong, especially in a college setting where the student is paying to attend the classes. Maybe if the tech had proper controls where the student was in charge of what got shared, with whom, and when it could be a positive (ie... struggling and can ask for help, then provide the access for review and suggestions).

Otherwise, it's just an outright invasion of the student's privacy.

Comment Re:Hazzah! (Score 4, Insightful) 194

And they upheld considering someone suspicious if they are a proven pedophile. The defendant didn't win - the evidence will still be used. They keyed on him because he has a long record of molesting kids and went back-and-forth to Mexico on a regular basis.

The good thing about this case is laying out some parameters barring random suspicionless running a full-blown forensic exam on a device while still allowing known shady characters to be given a digital anal exam.

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