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Comment Re:ET would disprove God (Score 1) 534

When you reconcile your concept of Christianity with the common convention within the faith that God is creator of all, and the appearance of superior aliens would necessarily be His creation, and therefore real and acceptable, then you'll abandon your concept and accept what is Christianity.

If aliens come, Christians will accept them as God's creation. Even if they are Satan's tools, they are God's creation. We'll probably preach the Gospel to them. That;s what we should do, and invite them to dinner.

Comment Government ineptitude (Score 5, Insightful) 78

If Medicare practiced fraud/risk control energy marginally as will as the payments industry, they could cut fraudulent claims by 70%.

- Does the zip code you are shipping durable equipment to when remotely match the patient's residence? If not, just a phone call might work to confirm the transaction.

- Does the durable equipment have use for any Diagnostic code used my the patient in past?

There are other triggers that could help.

Comment Repeating previous advice, network! (Score 2) 479

1 - Contact your university's career placement office. Get real chummy with them. Be very, very polite. they want you to get a good job, so you can afford to donate to the alumni associations.

2 - Contact your alumni associations, all of them. Get really, really chummy with them, until they realize you aren't donating any time soon. You want to go to events, meet fellow graduates that have been out there for a while and have opportunities, and you want them to remember you favorably.

3 - Find professional associations and get involved. Near first,then further away. Again, be real chummy, be a good guy, keep it simple, and admit you are looking for opportunities. NOT WORK. NOT A JOB. an OPPORTUNITY. New terminology.

4 - Find a job club in your area, possibly at the local Job Service or Employment Security office. You will be slumming with healthcare workers, salesmen, and laid-off union workers. They will teach you things you do not know, like how to actually write a resume, make an elevator speech, and interview.

5 - Above all, stay active, exercise, eat well, sleep. Keep yourself in shape, mentally and physically, to nail the next interview and hit the ground running.

Now, about that interview question. Me, I would have responded with "Wow, it's been a long time since freshman Computer Science, but let me see... I remember vector, pair, list, gee, I had to use valarray for a test, but it's been a while since I had to recite those. I've spent more time in {fill in your favorite high-level language here, unless it's VB6} for the past two years, but C is something like riding a bicycle. I don't remember every trick, but I can code whatever I need to, even if it means looking something up to jog my memory and get past a problem. What sort of C++ or C# work do you do here?"

Take the question, demonstrate familiarity with the subject, a partial answer with acknowledgment that you are not a walking encyclopedia, and then turn it around and ask about the apparent basis for the question - do they need a C++ guy, are they just scared you slept through that class, and can you both think on your feet and are interested in the requirements, how you will fit in, what's the real criteria here?

There are only three questions to be asked: Can you do the job? Will you do the job? And will you fit in?

Have ready answers to those.

Comment Re:"imperialist Russia" (Score 4, Insightful) 342

The Soviet Union (USSR) included Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belorussia (now Belarus), Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kirgiziya (now Kyrgyzstan), Latvia, Lithuania, Moldavia (now Moldova), Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. Its sphere of influence, the Warsaw Pact nations (the Iron Curtain), included Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungry, Bulgaria, East Germany, Romania, Albania and Yugoslavia.

The USSR's influence extend well beyond these nations, to North (and now South) Vietnam, North Korea, various Central and Latin American nations.

This extended Russia's 'borders' greatly.

Claiming the U.S. was a uniquely global empire from the 50s to the 80s is disingenuous. Even now, I'n not sure we can claim a global empire, whether by design or incompetence being a question for the scholars.

Comment Re:MAD (Score 1) 342

Our real nuclear threat is that someone either 1) demonstrably not entirely sane, or 2) with little to lose, will gain control of a working nuclear weapon and deploy it. IT doesn't matter where.

And there are lots of slightly insane actors on the global stage who give us the very clear impression that they would absolutely do this. There need be only one.

Comment Re: Alright smart guy (Score 1) 504

Perhaps you should have let them install. The G1went to 1.6 (donut), and it had so little RAM that was the end unless you for it and went with a custom ROM.

My Sensation went from 2.2.3 to 4.0, and can go to 4.4.4 with root and custom ROMs.

What do you want?

Comment Re: Alright smart guy (Score 1) 504

My G1 got a ton of updates, because Android was young and naive.

My Sensation 4G got one good update, because Android was more mature, and didn't give it away so easily.

My HTC ONE M7 is getting updates, with update to Android L scheduled, because HTC seems to consider updates a competitive advantage. And because it still meets the specs.

Phones that are not strong enough should not get updates. You have to buy more to get more, and that costs $$$.

Stop buying cheap stuff if you want it to last.

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