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Comment Re:Ground down (Score -1, Flamebait) 1198

We live in a world where literally yesterday a woman was stoned to death by her family for failing to live her life they way they wanted.

This was a USA incident that some would say implicates western civilization so, let's talk about something that's actually relevant, ok? Approximately 45 murders occurred in the USA yesterday. Approximately, 76% of the victims had penises. Please advise me on which class of the human animal is more vulnerable in Western civilization.

There is literally no way to win as a woman

Rational Moe would like to point you towards THE OATMEAL so that any writings you may do on the web or elsewhere will not be infected by your misuse of the English language. But Irrational Moe ..... fuck you, you're fucking stupid, pathetic, and your thoughts are unforgivabley naive and sexist. You are, obviously, not a nerd. You are a vapid twit with a sinkhole between your legs. Go find your nearest porno shop, buy a dildo, stuff it up next to your cervix, and stop leaking your pussy juice all over slashdot.

Comment Re:So, to sum this up. (Score 0) 1198

Ok, Moe is back and, rabtech, I submit that your poor parents did not do a good job providing you with an education.

As a certified expert in producing childish dribble, there was absolutely nothing childish about the comments of the parent poster.

"The whole point is women can't know a-priori who the good guys are and the penalty is being raped or killed."

My rebuttal is that 99.999999999999999999999999% of women in any interaction with any male do not end up dead or raped. Probably a billion more nines ought to added after the decimal but I'm sure even your damaged socialist brain sees the point.

"Do you honestly even give a second thought to someone punching you in the face or stabbing you at a conference?"

You mean like what happenned to Tyler Durden, himself, today?

Here's what rational Moe sees. The parent poster is advocating personal responsibility. You are disparaging that concept. This automatically disqualifies you from being remotely correct. That is, you are incorrect by about as much distance as there is between the Milky Way and Andromeda.

Irrational Moe would like to tell you to fucking kill yourself as you are, in fact, part of the problem here.


Comment Re:Activity Rewires the Human Brain (Score 4, Insightful) 291

Implying that men don't have the neural circuitry required for parenting is as retarded as implying that women don't have the neural circuitry required for mathematics.

Heh that brings back memories, and not the good ones. I can't count the times the wife said something on the lines of: "I am the mother, so obviously I know best." The first half year after our baby girl was born, I had to really fight for my half of fatherhood.

Society nowadays expect you to do your half of the parenting, but when that time comes, your wife's instincts might take over and decide it would be much better if you just followed her orders.

Comment Awesome desktop (Score 1) 139

If it runs some version of desktop Linux, this could be an awesome desktop. With a built-in UPS and a backup 3G network connection. You'd never shut it down because it's so focused on power savings that it's not really worth it. It would run off a standard USB charger.

It would be great if you could upgrade the CPU and 3D graphics to something tablet or desktop-ish. I could envision a chassis/case that has the standard Project Ara backplane, but mounted below a fan. Bonus points if you can overclock the CPU.

Comment Re: I've been using Eclipse since before it was Ec (Score 1) 140

Heh yeah I tried installing that on my Mac. Intelli-J even offers a nice installation as a plugin. First, it simply didn't start and it turns out that the plugin installation will install an old version. Okay then I'll download it manually. That installed a kernel driver which crashed my OSX laptop.

I gave up and continued using the dog slow emulator.

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