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Comment Re:Not a SINGLE shift in streaming+dvd customers? (Score 2) 349

This is not "before price change" vs "after price change".. This is "earlier projections for after price change" vs "new reality based projections for after price change" An important distinction because we do not know the break down of numbers before the price change announcement. Also for everyone running the math assuming everyone was on the $11 option, there were a very large number of early subscribers who were on netflixes $20 3 DVD (or 2 DVD with Blu Ray) plans who decided DVD's were just not worth it, and decided to downgrade to the $8 plan. It would be interesting to compare the average revenue per customer is before and after the announcement.

Comment Re:Don't Read TFA, Read This Instead (Score 1) 294

Finally! a rational thought in this discussion. Looking at it from the big picture point of view, this is not all that different from any retail model of physical goods, and Amazon more than anybody else understands this model well.

One difference being that with physical goods, the cost of keeping/maintaining inventory often drives discounts and final pricing. In the digital realm this driving force gets replaced by the exposure factor. Discounting/bundling creates exposure, which in turn drives more sales. Given the guaranteed minimum payoff to the developer, this may actually a good thing.

As a developer I would worry more about the perceived value of my product. If it gets frequently discounted to a certain value, I may still make the same amount of money (or more.. look at Angry Birds) however it also solidifies the value/cost perception of the product in peoples minds, and maybe I care about that perception.

Comment Re:escalators too (Score 1) 698

Visit New York someday. Most escalator in crowded places like subways etc, will have a line of people standing still on the right, and a moving lane of people walking up the escalator on the left. It just feels natural after a while and people stop thinking about it. If you want to stay still, move to the right, or stay on the left and keep walking.

Comment Re:You can't say NO (Score 1) 410

most "promotions" and position changes are a nice way of them trying to move you somewhere useful rather than just getting rid of you entirely.

I've seen this happen a "lot" in my industry..

Here's a couple of questions to figure out..

Are they doing this as part of a larger plan, or to keep you happy and give you more money?
If the the former, then you need to figure out what they plan to do with your current position. Hire an outsider? Promote someone from the team? Shrink the team?

If they plan to promote someone from the team, and you refuse your promotion, It could trickle down and you could end up reporting to someone currently in the team..

Comment Re:Yes, go for it. (Score 1) 918

I agree, but with a slightly different take. One way age comes into play during the hiring process, is when people are assessing how well you will be able to work with, and fit in, with the rest of the team. Also, how you will respond to potentially reporting to someone younger than you. This comes down to your personality, and how you project yourself in the interview. At this point, age is only an issue if you make out to be one.

Beyond that, and after the first few years on the job, age can be used to your advantage, in your ability to rise much faster than your peers, based on increased maturity, ability handle responsibility, life experience etc.

Don't fear age.. Use it!

Comment Re:Predict the prediction. (Score 1) 733

Its the Hypothalamus, or the little brain, making these decisions. Any activity that we practice enough to the point where reactions become second nature (think braking while driving) really involves handing off that decision making process from the frontal lobes to the hypothalamus. Being directly linked to the nervous system, these decisions become reflex actions with a much quicker response time. I would guess an order of magnitude less than the 500ms.
That's why athlete's don't "think" about what they are doing

Submission + - Mystery illness from meteor crash is solved. (

Technician writes: The meteor that crashed in Peru caused a mystery illnesses. The cause of the illness has been found. The meteor was not toxic. The ground water it contacted contains arsenic. The resulting steam cloud is what caused the mystery illness. "The meteorite created the gases when the object's hot surface met an underground water supply tainted with arsenic, the scientists said." There is a very good photo of the impact crater in the article. The rim of the crater is lined with people for a size comparison.
United States

Submission + - New city law impounds cars with loud stereos 3

SaDan writes: On August, 20th this year, a new law was passed in Rockford, IL, that grants police the authority to impound any vehicle reported for having a stereo turned up too loud:

"Cars taken will be held until fines of $150 to $750 are paid — in addition to a $75 towing fee, a $15 to $20 per day storage fee and a $60 per hour charge if the police officer has to wait more than an hour for the tow truck."

Anyone who has their car impounded is in for a long wait, in addition to the fees previously mentioned. After requesting a hearing, the city can wait up to 45 days before going to trial, accumulating around $1100 in impound fees. An article, with PDF of the recently passed law, can be found here.

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