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Comment Re:Fuck off (Score 1) 309

OK but I think you can't blame Microsoft for the patent system. They did not invent it. They suffered from it and it is well known Bill Gates warned about this. Nobody listened and Microsoft eventually proved he was correct in a "if you can't fight them join them kind of way". In my opinion the patent system for IT is currently a form of tax when entering the field. Microsoft and Apple paid it once upon a time and now they demand it from newer companies. It would be almost unfair if some companies have this obstacle while others don't. Something like applying taxes to one company but not another.

Comment Re:WP8 Isn't all bad (Score -1, Flamebait) 309

I assume you are a geek. You might want to check my visual brainfuck interpreter (called BF for WP). It sure beats the ones I've seen on Android. Then you may claim to your Android geek friends that WP has better apps because it has better brainfuck interpreters :)

Yes, this post is shameless self-promotion... of WP app... on /. I am doing one hell of a marketing.

Comment Re:Fuck off (Score 5, Insightful) 309

Because this is not how patent settlements work. Patent settlements do not list patents they license the entire portfolio related to the product. This means that if tomorrow MS invents something and Google puts it in Android Samsung will be able to use it because they are paying for it even though it is not invented yet. Actual patents are only shown in court and they are certainly showing some patents when suing Motorola. The Motorola case will certainly prove if MS has relevant patents as the legal system defines them although I am sure /. people will invent a "rounded corners" meme and claim that the judge is corrupted or something.

Comment Re:Fuck off (Score 5, Insightful) 309

But Microsoft are justifying themselves. They are going to court where companies justify themselves. IANAL but if I read the news correctly they are currently crashing Motorola in each and every court they sue each other. Of course none of the cases is over yet but the "justification" has certainly began.

Comment Re:If you can't innovate litigate! (Score 1) 112

I like it how the /. crowd assumes that behemoth companies like Samsung and Foxconn would just pay protection racket to MS instead of fighting in court if they thought Microsoft were full of shit. But don't you worry Google (via Motorola) are standing up. IANAL but if I interpret the news pieces I am reading correctly it is not going very well for them even though they paid 12 billion for Motorola patents.

Comment Re:Hope the Auth Servers are Running! (Score 1) 271

To be honest this was incredibly smooth launch. Servers were up and running fast and everything seems fine except for the achievement service that died. BTW I am pretty sure WoW does not share infrastructure except maybe login servers which were never the bottleneck for WoW. Did it ever happen to you that you could not play another game due to WoW overloading the servers?

Comment Re:I just wish ... (Score 1) 271

50% for SC2 WoL according to the stats. However it is the multiplayer that boosts the IP and interest in the game. There is high chance that the IP would be dead or transformed into something else (WarCraft to World of WarCraft) if it was not for the multiplayer.

Also note that Blizzard went away from the idea that the campaign is a tutorial for the multiplayer. The units in the campaign are quite different. They use other means to train the player like challenge missions and special multiplayer games (with rocks blocking the ways so you could not be rushed, etc.).

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