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Comment Re:Are you trying to get legislation? (Score -1, Flamebait) 299

Governments are mafia and they do break legs and kidnap and murder people. Legislation? Nice business you have here, too bad something should happen to it. Blocking government from harassing private people is fighting for freedom of the individuals. What we have here is private people (uber) fighting for the rights of private people (drivers, customers) and mafia thugs (government) performing highway robbery (literally) and some thoughtless commenter (you) cheering on the side of the mafia.

Governments are outdated now, they are a concept that proved itself to be detrimental for individual liberty and they need to be denied power uber style. If everybody refuses paying the mafia its tribute, mafia will not have its power and it should be denied power.

Comment The most beautiful thing ever! (Score -1) 299

Buying a new phone, 50 aud or so? New credit card is probably free and whatever the other costs are...

Having a government official recognized and blocked by a private corporation (by private person really)... priceless. Just priceless. All governments should be blocked by everybody, the besy way to stop government oppression is to stop participating in it. If everybody stops participating in the system actively, governments will have no power and they should be denied power.

Comment Re:Any experienced teacher already deals with this (Score 1) 388

So USA then? 19th century USA - pretty much no government to speak of (of-course the war was started to prove otherwise), no income related taxes, no business regulation, a growing economy, the country became largest producer of manufactured goods in the world, USA became biggest exporter and thus biggest creditor nation on the planet Earth, and that is only a few decades after being a debtor nation and a mere afterthought to Europe.

Then of-course all the wealth created the welfare state, destroyed freedoms and now it is becoming a military dictatorship.

My point is that the time of no government and maximum individual freedom is the time when we build maximum prosperity. Sure, we should want to maximise prosperity, but my point is also that we should have maximum individual freedom regardless of prosperity that it brings.

Should there be a structure to occupy space of government that prevents other structures like this from forming? I am no longer convinced that it is a necessity, I think with globalization, global communications, global travel, global businesses it's becoming less of a factor and eventually we will end up (I think we will) with a system that has no central governments. Sure, there will be smaller municipal governments but the central governments will lose their role in the global society, and that's a good thing, not a bad one. But before it happens there will be a huge crash and the governments will lose their credibility.

We had various bubbles and crashes and the incoming crash will be a crash of government. We have a huge bubble inflated in people trusting governments and people relying on governments, this bubble will burst and that's great, of-course it will be a painful transition, which is often the case with transitions, but it's for the best, so good luck to you.

Comment Re:Any experienced teacher already deals with this (Score 1, Interesting) 388

You make money based on how much money you make for someone else, or how hard your position is to fill. But we won't spend money just because something is important; like teachers or quality infrastructure or mitigating climate change or whatever.

- if it's "important", then you'll be able to make money by doing it. If it's not important, you won't. AFAIC if something is actually important there is money to be made in it because there is a voluntary transaction somewhere there.

If something is not important to me I don't want to have my money stolen from me so your idea of 'important' can be realised while I have a barrel of a gun pointed at my head by the government. So no, if your country priorities are out of whack that is not the reason for it.

Comment Re:Population control (Score 1) 273

Overpopulation? Please, we are trying to build AI to solve that insignificant problem. On a serious note life extending technology has to be paid for by somebody and governments around the world are mostly working on improving stealing and murdering technologies.

I hope these guys succeed and it becomes possible to purchase some of what they may find in this research.

Comment Re:I no longer think this is an issue (Score 1) 258

Yes, people are sometimes ruled by their glands. Maybe to provide motivation a computer will need a penis attachment and then have a random event thrown, that causes the computer to 'get hard' and have a feedback mechanism, that 'rewards' the computer if it 'gets some'. This is how motivation vector can be added to an AI and then, what you are saying is that 'we are all screwed'? So why not make AI WANT people as opposed to 'wanting to destroy' people? ;)

Comment Re:good luck with that (Score 1) 125

I don't want any POTUS propose anything in the first place, it's not his job, it's Congress that is supposed to push bills and beyond that governments are not supposed to regulate any businesses or individuals in the first place. It's not a job that you would want a government to do, to regulate business decisions, that's the entire purpose of a free market and the reason the modern economies are going to hell is because there is no free market left, it's all regulated, monopolised by government laws and rules and competition is destroyed. This populous, sheeple intended idea by the POTUS will only help to destroy the economy further.

Comment Re:In other words. . . (Score 1) 57

I am so glad I don't need to participate in this discussion because I am actually using Linux desktop and have been on it since early 2000s. But I did have to look at Windows past XP and my general impression of everything that is happening to Windows GUI is negative. I have nothing but negative feelings for all new versions of Windows since XP, but of-course I am not a target user anymore, but I did like XP, so that's my anecdote.

Comment Re:Bitstamp hack..... (Score 1) 114

Right, so if money doesn't store value how do you propose to be able to buy a similar amount of products with your money tomorrow that you could buy yesterday?

Money is not a measure of value, it is an actual store of value, it is also unit of account and medium of exchange. Without being able to store value money is not only useless, it's dangerous to have.

Comment Re:Bitstamp hack..... (Score 1) 114

Well, does your life have any value under all conditions?
Gold has intrinsic value that actually goes well past your life, gold had value before you and it will have value long after you are gone (and me, and everybody else who is living today).

Gold has intrinsic value in its own right and it has value that we recognise as such because we want gold. People wanted gold since the moment they have first seen it and they want it today. Gold has thousands of years of a proven track record, which is thousands of years more than any fiat currency, any paper currency and any digital currency.

Gold was used as money as a result of it having this value. Gold became money because people wanted it, not because somebody told them they have to do it.

As to the reserve currency being meaningful it has to have actual monetary value behind it, USD is not a meaningful reserve currency because it is backed by nothing. Before 1971 it was backed by gold, today it's backed by nothing and yes, it still represents the largest amount of reserve in the world, but this is exactly what I was referring to, when I mentioned Greece and Cyprus and such.

USD as a reserve is meaningless and Gresham law will prove it to be such. You can't get anything for dollars once people are unwilling to take them, because nobody has to provide you anything for them, there is no reserve behind this 'reserve'. There is nothing behind the zeroes on the paper, no gold, not even tin.

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