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Comment Re:How Safe Is Cycling? (Score 1) 947

I've been bicycling in Manhattan for about 3 months or so now. There needs to be rules that make sense for bicycling. They aren't pedestrians and they aren't quite cars.

I'm thinking stopping at a red light and continuing if it makes sense to do so.

Comment if you don't have money, you're in trouble (Score 2) 48

If you have money, you can mount a legal defense. If you don't have money, prosecutors can absolutely destroy you and your life even if you are innocent. There was a book detailing how everyone commits felonies because the federal criminal code, along with regulatory stuff, is so complex. It was called "Three Felonies a Day."

Basically, if a prosecutor wants to put you in jail, you're toast.

So good for Cuban.

Comment Re:"mistakenly" up for grabs? (Score 1) 473

Evolution is a historical science so figuring out whether there is design or not can't be done with traditional experiments. With that in mind, there has to be a way to say "if I find something in nature with the following characteristics it is more than likely to have been designed."

That can't be done currently because teleology (design) is not allowed a priori. This actually makes Darwinism unfalsifiable because lack of design is part of its theory.

Comment Re:"mistakenly" up for grabs? (Score 1) 473

So let's assume I don't have a problem with common descent but I have a problem with random mutation being a driver of evolution. How would I go about falsifying such an assertion?

It seems the problem is that it doesn't matter what is discovered "neo-Darwinism did it". That's not science. That's philosophy interpreting results. It seems we know nothing was designed because it evolved (blindly). And how do we know it evolved blindly? Well, because nothing is designed.

Comment What actually happened at Chernobyl (Score 1) 380

For all the engineering problems at Chernobyl, what happened was this: some grad student wanted to run an experiment. The people at the plant told him "no", because it was not a good idea. They were overruled because his father was a big-time Communist in Moscow.

My friend's sister was a high-level engineer at Chernobyl, who unfortunately died of cancer.

So that was just human stupidity more than engineering breaking down.

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