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Comment All the government needs to do is make laws (Score 1) 523

Laws that punish the bad behaviour. They do not need to intrude any further than that. If they laws say you cannot kill or harm your fellow man through any means (one of them is pollution), then that should be sufficient. It may sound naive and simplistic but that's what it boils down to. We just need someone to protect us from the bad actors in society. That's all.Make the act(s) of harming people illegal with severe enough punishment and allow the citizens to look for bad actors.

Comment Re:Reinforcing the term (Score 1) 464

Actually, American drivers have 2 bad habits that if eliminated, they wouldn't be so bad. Hogging the left lane is one, pulling out of stop signs even though there's oncoming traffic is the other. For the most part, American drivers are courteous and careful but of course there are exceptions.

Comment We'll have issues (Score 1) 937

If ALL cars were automated there should be no car to car accidents as they will all communicate with each other and at the first sign of trouble by one car all the others in the vicinity will know to slow down. But, in a hybrid world where the auto cars have to deal with humans we will have a lot of problems. 1. The auto car will be programmed to be nervous nellies. Since they cannot predict what the crazy humans do, they will stomp on the brakes at any sign of trouble. 1.1 I expect Humans to be very confused by the behaviour of the auto cars and cause accidents. Who gets blamed then? 2. I expect Humans to maliciously mess with the auto cars, brake check them, etc. 3. Unless a unified auto car communication and behaviour protocol is created I expect many of the auto cars from different manufacturers to exhibit behaviours that will look bizarre to a human. 4-way stop sign resolution for example.

Comment Stole this idea from Star Trek (Score 1) 366

Why can't we take a DNA sample from ourselves when we are say, 25 years old? Then at any time in our life, use a virus to infect ourselves with our younger DNA? Wouldn't that correct all the accumulated damage effectively reversing some of the aging and also curing any DNA-related illnesses?

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Machines have less problems. I'd like to be a machine. -- Andy Warhol
