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Comment Do we really need these (Score 1) 107

From what I have seen the NBR only does some hotkey mappings, fullscreen force, and that annoying (my opinion of course) navigation thingy to get to your applications. On my eeepc 1000H I prefered to just install the full version and fix the few things wrong. Couldn't the install just run like a dmidecode and then say hey your running a netbook model blah blah blah do you want the hotkey mappings?

Comment Re:Is it just D&D ? (Score 1) 496

There are lots of "diceless" systems - basically rock-scissors-paper variants.

I have this wonderful image of a 6'2, 300lb tattooed muscular prisoner whining about whether his 58th level paladin's holy sword being destroyed by enchanted rust-monsters.

I actually think games like D&D are a very good thing for prisoners - it teaches a variety of new ways to interact with people and non-violent ways to let off aggression.

Comment Re:Thank you Karma (Score 1) 284

One of my duties in a previous job was looking after the BES and the Crackberry users. Someone once asked me if there was anything I could do as their Blackberry was waking them up when an email arrived in the middle of the night. I introduced them to the 'off' switch.

Comment Re:Random figures (Score 1) 301

Wasting our time because he could is exactly what my boss was doing - the reports sat on his desk for a few days before going into his filing cabinet. He knew next to nothing about IT or management and was in the habit of throwing his power around to make up for his inadequacies.

Comment Re:Random figures (Score 3, Insightful) 301

I used to work for a head of department who demanded all sorts of printed monthly reports and would start getting on people's backs if it was late. Not only was it a boring time drain but it wasn't difficult to see that they didn't really know what the reports meant but weren't prepared to admit it. So for three months I handed in the same report with the headline date on the first page changed, on the fourth month I didn't hand in my reports and, when taken to task about it, took them aside and showed them the last three months reports I had haded in and the real data I had kept back. Fortunately I managed to get out of that company but I didn't produce any more routine reports after that.

Comment Re:I have a better idea (Score 1) 220

I've just finished building a new website for a startup and mobile was a consideration from the start. As a result the page content is all modularised and there is a layout+css switcher for mobile devices. Some of the fancy stuff doesn't work as well or look as good on the mobile site but all the functionality is there - with and without JavaScript (progressive enhancement really comes into its own here). This means that going forward there is only one site and two layouts to maintain, a vast improvement on the last time I tried to retro-fit mobile layouts to a site and settled on a similar solution to the parent which is essentially to build a second site.

I'll echo other posters by saying that /. blows HARD on a mobile.

PlayStation (Games)

Tekken 6, Soul Calibur Coming To the PSP 32

Two recent announcements lend support Sony's promise to bring a stronger game lineup to its PSP console this year. Tekken 6, which was already known to be in development for the 360 and PS3, has now been confirmed for the PSP as well. "... the portable version of the game is set to release alongside the other console iterations and will pack additional stages, content, items, and an ad-hoc multiplayer mode using 'original' and 'fan favorite characters.'" We've also found out that Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny is being specifically designed for the PSP, and will include "arcade, versus, and survival modes, as well as a character creation mode." In addition, 1Up reports on the latest rumors surrounding a redesigned PSP (possibly called the "Go!"), which they say will be unveiled later this year at E3.

Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch Provokes Bomb Scare 186

Bomb disposal teams were called in and a nearby pub evacuated after water company engineers mistook a Monty Python film prop for a hand grenade. After nearly an hour of examination by bomb experts, they counted to three. No more. No less. Three was the number they counted, and the number they counted was three. Four they did not count, nor two, except to proceed to three. Five was right out. Once the number three had been reached, being the third number, they declared that the grenade was actually a copy of the "Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch" used in the film Monty Python And The Holy Grail. A police spokeswoman confirmed that the device was a toy and that it had been no danger to the public.

Video Game Use Linked To Breast Feeding 94

In order to demonstrate the ridiculousness of some recent studies which grabbed media headlines by claiming "links" between video games and all sorts of negative behavior (such as violence and the lower-quality relationships), Ars Technica's Ben Kuchera did an experiment of his own: "I started calling people I knew, and I asked if they had one or more video games in the house. Then I asked if they breast-fed their children. To my great shock, most answered 'yes' to both. One couple I contacted switched to formula after their child's birth, and told me that they didn't play video games. The data, based on my first round of calls, was conclusive: if you play video games, you are much more likely to breast-feed your children. You're probably ready to shoot five thousand holes in my argument. ... I did my job though, and you clicked on the headline." He goes on point out flaws in media reports and legislation involving such claims.

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"By the time they had diminished from 50 to 8, the other dwarves began to suspect "Hungry." -- a Larson cartoon
