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Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 285

What's that got to do with the price of tea in China?

We ALREADY have the coal plants, they work, and shutting them down means having to replace them. Hint: Don't shut 'em down 'til they wear out. Then try to find something cheaper than wind to replace 'em with.

Position the wind machines where there's wind? Didn't we just calculate that there are going to ber 1,211,000 wind machines? They'll probably be located every 1 mile throughout the USA. There's 2,959,064.44 square miles in the contiguous USA, so with that many wind machines, there's going ot be one every 2 1/2 square mles or so. BUT, by the time that the evironmental extremists get done saying you can't put 'em here and you can't put 'em there, and then you also subtract the Rocky Mountains and much of the Appalacian mountains because they are too steep and rugged to be building and servicing wind machines, you're going to have them probably every 2500 feet apart in any place that the wind actually blows at all. What to have your scenic landscape dotted with wind machines virtually everywhere? I didn't think so.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 285

Biggest wind machine now produced is 8 megawatts. Figure you need 3 of these to make up for when the wind doesn't blow. $$$ is 2 million per megawatt. USA consumes 3.23 terawatts. 3.23 X 10^12 watts / 8 X 10^6 watts / wind turbine X 3 turbines = 1.211 X 10^6 turbines. 1.211 X 10^6 turbines at (2 dollars / watt X 8 X 10^6 watts / turbine) = 19.38 X 10^12 dollars. That's 19,380 billion dollars, ladies and germs, just to buy the wind turbines. Would you really like to go there? Such expenditures could convert the USA into a 3rd world country, which it is to be suspected that these environmental zealots - watermelons (green on the outside, red on the inside) would like to accomplish in order to allow the communists and socialists to dominate the world and "take care" of everyone with their welfare states.

Comment Re:Ya...Right (Score 1, Flamebait) 285

You pollution and global warming zealots have to realize that "hit to the economy" translates to extreme misery and death to some parts of the population. People die every day of poverty, from everything including hunger that weakens their immune system and allows diseases to kill people, to people becoming homeless and dying of exposure or criminal attack on the streets. Recent research has revealed that living in poverty results in about 6.5 years being taken off the lifespan of those doing it, and if done in childhood, those 6.5 years are still unrecoverable regardless of better circumstances later in life.

The quest for an absolutely pristine environment is not worth the human suffering it causes. Eliminate coal fired electricity and about the only ones that may notice are, reportedly, 2500 or so people in the country with asthma that will no longer be at risk, but 1000's of people get thrown into poverty from the jobs that will be killed and the eventual increase in the price of electricity. Some of those in poverty will die from it.

As for global warming, there hasn't been any for about 18 years now. This is the most egregious hoax perpetrated on the world's people since the eugenics nonsense that inspired the likes of Hitler, only this may be even more devastating that WW2 if these global warming extremists continue to degrade the prosperity of the American people, as well as others around the world. I'd like to make a deal with the global warming nuts, and cease all this nonsense about shutting down power plants and attempting to get 65 mpg out of cars, and instead we'll use all that money to work in geo-engineering mechanisms to do things like removing CO2 from the atmosphere, and then deploy it of necessary. It would save a lot of lives and eliminate a lot of misery that the current approach is costing us.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 285

Anti-pollution zealots that keep attacking coal fail to realize that the 2nd-cheapest form of electricity promotes prosperity for the lowest-classes in the USA. That is, pollution from these sources may cause some health problems, but shutting down these sources eliminates coal mining jobs which pay really good money ($95K/yr in at least 1 case I know of) to mine coal and provide the 2nd lowest electricity prices available, with only hydroelectric being lower. So, eliminate coal and, overall, raise the misery level in the USA from (further) lack of jobs and higher energy prices.

Comment Re:Try eating more vegetables, fruit, and beans (Score 1) 334

My personal experience is that exercise kills my excessive appetite and sitting around tends to make me hungry. It may not make sense, but that's the way it works for me.

And no, if I was OK with fruits and veggies, I probably WOULD be thin and not need to diet, but I'm not. I don't enjoy them as foods, I enjoy dead burnt cow, and things like that. So, I need to exercise.

At 1800 calories of metabolism because of my otherwise sedentary nature, and the fact that below about 1200 calories you'd have to be extremely careful not to get into deficiencies of some nutrients, I really need to exercise. When I get off this diet, I'll be back to "regular" food and a lot of exercise, keeping my heart healthy, and enjoying life. I wouldn't enjoy it on oranges and bananas, nor tofu and whatever else is supposed to be healthy this week, only to be exposed as the wrong answer next week. I've long since quit listening to the medical pundits, since they are always, always reversing themselves. I think it was the CDC that just a few months ago declared a "my bad" and said that salt wasn't all that big a deal, and go ahead and have some. I only add salt to corn on the cob, and movie popcorn. That's it. Nothing else gets any extra salt from me. But I ignored the CDC and its minions for decades and had a really good time eating corn on the cob and movie popcorn, and now I'm vindicated. And I'm healthy.

Comment Re:Good news (Score 1) 334

We hate cyclists because they're all over the G-damned place and eventually we're going to crush one with the car and then go to jail for 20 years. F cyclists, get 'em off the G-damned roadway where they aren't a hazard to themselves and others. Even worse are night cyclists - I can't see a F'n thing when I've got boneheads coming at me with their bright lights on on a 2-lane twisty-A'd road, and so if there's a biker just beyond them, I can't see him. What am I supposed to do, stop until the oncoming car goes by? Then I'm just as likely to get rammed in the A by someone that doesn't expect me to be stopping in the middle of the F'n road. U can't imagine how much I hate cyclists on the public roads.

Comment Damned Anti-Prosperity Commies (Score 1) 334

Even if this global warming nonsense wasn't the most huge hoax ever perpetrated upon mankind and probably more dangerous than the last hoax of eugenics which inspired the likes of Hitler, pauparizing everyone except the very very rich, and attempting to create a society of only the very very rich and the very very poor by raising energy prices is not a righteous goal.

Lets compromise. Lets do everything we can to lower energy prices and thereby boost near-universal prosperity, while spending the resultant surplus money from said prosperity to bury the internal combustion engine, and later the external combustion ways of generating power forever. Something like this may someday actually happen:


but if it doesn't, then SOMETHING, but only if we have the available money supplies to pursue it. Available money supplies do not tend to spring out of a society where 99% of the people are dirt-poor and 1% are extremely wealthy, but that's what high-cost energy tends to promote.

Comment Re:Obesity isn't solved through a workout (Score 2) 334

The obesity problem is not what we're eating, its what we're not doing, which is physical work of some sort. "Work" doesn't mean drudgery, it means also not playing basketball, baseball, and football but instead screwing around with our smart phones, computers, and playstations while sitting, sitting, sitting. Attacking obesity on the consumption end of the calorie spectrum will fail. Hell, I only eat about 2400 calories a day when eating comfortably, but know that I metabolize around 1800. So I have to go to the gym, or _something_ to eat comfortably, or else eat uncomfortably and not enjoy life all that much. Right now, Nutrisystem is keeping me down to around 1500 calories a day, but without exercise I'd lose a pound about every 12 days. 1000-calorie stints in the gym whenever I can make that happen is what really gets me to lose. 20 lbs since July 11, but it wouldn't be happening without the 53,000 calories I've exercised since that date. Tried for 2 years to "simply exercise" it away while "eating normally" at 1800 calories, but couldn't execute eating 1800 calories, as I was hungry too often and foods I eat are delicious and I couldn't stop at 1800. I have a LOT of personal experience with this problem, and starving people just doesn't work. Getting them moving works.

Comment Not Interested (Score 1) 286

Just about the time it gets airborne, the whole imaging system malfunctions and there you are with blank screens for a view, and missing anything interesting. Doubt that keeping the imaging running would be much of a priority, either. It'd probably work about as well as the other aspects of airline travel.

Comment Re:Cue party of hypocrites supporters (Score 0) 256

Detroit can be saved quite simply by repealing the income taxes. American industry will come roaring back to dominate the world, and Detroit will be one of the richest cities on the planet if we do that. JFK said about the income taxes:

"“The largest single barrier to full employment of our manpower and resources and to a higher rate of economic growth is the unrealistically heavy drag of federal income taxes on private purchasing power, initiative and incentive.” John F. Kennedy, Jan. 24, 1963 "

Income taxes suppress industry. Removing them entirely will make the USA the manufacturing center of the world again.

Comment Much Sound and Fury, Signifying Nothing (Score 1) 381

Look, the disease is hard to get. We've had 1 case, that has infected 2 other people at one Dallas hospital that apparently was not prepared for it. The 2 Americans that went to the Atlanta hospital were treated and survived without infecting anyone. There is no "outbreak." An outbreak is something with geometric progressions in the number of infected. This is not threat to us unless we become monumentally stupid. All its good for is to give the talk channels like Fox something to yammer about, over and over, all day, trying to make everyone afraid so they can boost ratings. Relax. This is going nowhere.

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