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Comment Re:100 more will die today (Score 0, Troll) 1719

If Europe and Australia are any indication, violent crime actually goes up following crackdowns on private ownership. Gun crime goes up. Murder rates don't go down.. So following a gun ban, you and your family are no less likely to be murdered, but significantly more likely to be victims of violent crime and/or gun crime. No thanks.

Comment Re:Expenses during Q2 (Score 0) 780

In the United States, individual income tax refunds arrive during the second quarter.


Some people have planned expenses in the second quarter that they plan to pay using their tax refund.

This is largely people who suck at managing their finances. In which case, an interest free loan is probably not the worst of their financial problems anyway.

In order to make an investment that substantially beats the short-term interest-free loan to the government that is the status quo yet continues to meet the use case of second quarter expenses, the money would have to be earned and invested throughout the year and withdrawn in the second quarter.

Again, this is a failure in financial management.

So what investment should one use between the day when one doesn't make the loan and the day in the second quarter, less than 12 months ahead, when the expenses come due?

Diversified investments of varied liquidity with the minimum amount of money in Chase savings accounts possible.

You stop gaining meaningful interest on it from the moment it lands in your bank account.

So keep as little as possible in that account.

You're not saying what you think you're saying. You're pointing to poor financial management skills to indicate that making interest-free loans in the thousands of dollars is a good idea. That's patently absurd.

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