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Comment I can't believe that 20 years ago (Score 1) 124

I can't believe that 20 years ago or so I, and my peers all thought Bill Gates and Paul Allen were pieces of shit. I realize now so what, they had a monopoly on a closed source operating system and the software that ran on it. These guys weren't bad, but they weren't Marxists like us so they had to be bad, right?

Submission + - India builds roads using waste plastic from the sea (

mendred writes: Fisherman in India’s southern state of Kerala are taking on the battle to cut the level of plastic waste in the oceans. When the trawlers drag their nets through the water, they end up scooping out huge amounts of plastic along with the fish. The state government trains fishermen to collect the plastic and bring it back to shore. Once all the plastic waste caught by the Keralan fishermen reaches the shore, it is collected by people from the local fishing community and fed into a plastic shredding machine. This shredded plastic is converted into material that is used for road surfacing.

There are more than 34,000km of plastic roads in India, mostly in rural areas. More than half of the roads in the southern state of Tamil Nadu are plastic. This road surface is increasingly popular as it makes the roads more resilient to India’s searing heat.The melting point for plastic roads is around 66C, compared to 50C for conventional roads.

Using recycled plastic is a cheaper alternative to conventional plastic additives for road surfaces. Every kilometre of plastic road uses the equivalent of a million plastic bags, saving around one tonne of asphalt. Each kilometre costs roughly 8% less than a conventional road

Comment Re:The Autocracy is already here. (Score 2, Insightful) 402

This is the biggest load of horse shit I've read on Slashdot going back to its very inception.

The media has been declared an enemy of the people;
No more White House press briefings;
Obstruction of Justice;
Travel bans;
Legislative oversight has been refused, denied, ignored;
Children in cages;
Judiciary has been delegitimized;
Incitements of violence;
Rally after rally after rally filled to the brim with Orwellian lies.

The Autocracy is here.

The DOJ has refused MULTIPLE subpeonas from the House.


White House fradulently seeking to interpose executive privilege to prevent McGhan's testimony where it has clearly been waived.


White House refusing to allow careerist to testify as to being over-ridden and ordered to grant security clearance to Kushner;
Treasury refusing to honor facially legitimate supoena for tax records under 100-year old law;
AG clearing President of criminal misconduct in decision manifestly contrary to evidence of obstruction of justice;
White House suing Congress to prevent third-party subpoena where no privilege exits;
Trump telling head of CBP to violate law, because he will pardon him;
Trump threatening, contrary to law, to transport immigrants to sanctuary cities.

This is just off the top of my head.


I don't know what alternate reality you live in, but you've clearly adapted to this slow rolling frog boil.


Submission + - Should I ditch PHP? 2

Qbertino writes: I do PHP for a living. The problem I have is the classic catch-22: PHP is used at every streetcorner which accounts for an abundance of jobs and work to do. However, I'm growing increasingly frustrated with the ignorant and clueless in the vincinity of PHP. Crappy code and baaaaad application setups is one thing, but people refusing to fix them or simply not even understanding the broader implications of bad applications or attempting SEO with gadgets while refusing to fix 3.5 MB per pagecall are just minor tidbits in a history of increasingly unnerving run-ins with knuckledragers in the "web agency" camp. My strong suspicion is, that this also correlates directly with the prominence of server-side done with PHP in these teams. Will I leave the larger part of this backwards stuff behind if I move to another server-side PL such as Java or Kotlin for professional work in the broader web area? Do I have a chance to do quality work on quality projects using PHP or are those slim compare to other PLs? In short, should I ditch PHP?

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