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Comment Re:idiotic politically correct fears indeed (Score 5, Interesting) 1223

On behalf of all Mormons, you guys are making a far bigger deal out of it than we are. I read it and just went... meh.. it's Linus being Linus.

I think we can handle' Linus' opinion after. oh, having the US Gov't try to exterminate us and being the target of 'Christian' hate, I mean Love, for a couple hundred years that resulting in smear campaigns, regular protests in front of our places of worship, tar and feathering, burning down our homes, raping our women and killing our children and murdering our leaders....

Linus, no problem. I'll take Linus' love over 'Christian' love any day.

Comment Re:Mormons (Score 1) 1223

You're taking a lot of things out of context and twisting them to make them seem far stranger than they are. That's the same sort of behavior that the evangelicals engage in to make evolution seem crazy and atheists seem dangerous to other evangelicals. I suspect your understanding isn't that great, all you've heard is some sensationalist things that have been twisted for shock value.

Comment Math is mandatory (Score 1) 1086

Linear Algebra and Discrete Math are probably the most relevant, depending on your field. (Number, ring theory are also useful, sometimes.) I've never used Calculus in my job; but there are probably folks who do, it's just rare.

That said, there is something to be said about the way mathematics can bring structure and rigor to a person's thought process. After raising 2 teens I'm convinced that the 2 most important things to helping someone learn how to think are math and expository essay writing; after that the rest is just data.

Comment Absolutely (Score 1) 520

As someone who did just that (well over 10 years ago,) you will absolutely be pigeon holed if you go into some type of sysadmin job if that's where you start. Generally, in the technology sector (usually referred to as IT in the corporate world) there are programming jobs and infrastructure (sysadmin type) jobs. Whichever side you 'grow up' on, it makes it harder to move to the other side. Management will always pigeon hole you as a result of your experience. The more of it you have, the more typecast you'll be.

Comment Re:Which illustrates what we already knew (Score 1) 298

Differences in the OS's may account for much of the difference. IIRC it was Phoronix that posted a graphics benchmark that showed that 3d games on linux were faster when run under KDE than Unity or GNOME3 (which was the slowest.) Also, differences in X,gcc/glib could also account. Don't assume that newer is faster. Often times it's not.

Comment Re:Why can't we figure out what's killing the bees (Score 1) 248

Here some information from that article I posted:

Shan Bilimoria, a professor and molecular virologist, said the bees may be taking a one-two punch from both an insect virus and a fungus, which may be causing bees to die off by the billions...

"researchers discovered through spectroscopic analysis evidence of a moth virus called insect iridescent virus (IIV) 6 and a fungal parasite called Nosema."

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