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Comment Re:I love Eve Online (Score 5, Interesting) 194

For me, it's not about the interface or complexity.

My problem with it is that I'm a tourist, and like every other MMO it caters to perfectionists. It's not well designed for completionists or tourists.

The NPC missions are few and far between, and most are not very interesting.

Oh sure, I've heard all about the player created PVP drama in the game, but that's all endgame content. And it takes months if not years of mining or 'rat-hunting for hours every day to earn the skills needed to enter 0.0 space without getting pod-killed every five minutes.

And getting pod-killed can set you back days (implants), weeks or months (underinsured with inadequate quality clone), or back to where you were when you first got your account.

So while the tourist content might be there, it's behind a giant wall of perfectionist grind. No thanks.

If the combat were actually fun, it might make up for the grind, but it really isn't. Lock on and auto-attack until the enemy blows up. Yawn. Even Starfleet Command's combat was better. What I want in a space MMO's combat is something like LucasArts' X-Wing, or Freelancer.

A Freelancer MMO... now that I'd play.


Comment Re:Stealth (Score 1) 129

Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth does exactly this at one point (flee and try to lock doors behind you). Never had a game induce quite that level of panic.

Haunting Ground tries it with a hide mechanic, but after the first couple of encounters it becomes more annoying than frightening.


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