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Comment Why not a LAM/MPI - CUDA cloud cluster?? (Score 2, Interesting) 217

As part of my graduate studies, in Computer Science at Texas A&M University, I built out a LAM/MPI - CUDA cluster. With this configuration we had access to all the CPU/GPU on all the systems in the lab. Although it requires knowledge of both API it can be extremely powerful. I'd love to see a cloud based system based upon this configuration. Now that would be worth paying by the hour to use!!!

896 CUDA Cores (2 x NVIDIA Tesla C2050 (Fermi) cGPU) is nice but imagine the power of a data center filled with these!!!

Comment VIC-20 up for auction, bargain at 1/2 the price :) (Score 2, Funny) 156


I have a Commodore PET and several VIC-20's to put up for auction!! I know, I know the VIC-20 only had a 22 column display but no worries I'll throw in a 40 column cartridge adapter for a mere $20,000, a MUST have if your television tube is larger than 12", huh??? ;)

Comment Be careful, beyond here there be dragons!! (Score 3, Insightful) 375

This all depends on the size of your network and number of each type of system deployed. Plus don't forget there are political reasons for making or not making certain recommendations that generally outweigh any technical/economic reasons. I have seen people fired for making recommendations that had less exposure than what you have suggested.

Comment Technology != Good || Evil it's the users intet (Score 1) 316

A knife can be used to maim/kill or for slicing cheese. The purpose/intent behind the use of said technology lies with the end user. Will 3D printers, of the future, be used for illegal/Evil purposes? No doubt but they will also be used for many noble deeds. This shouldn't give us pause. Most any good technology cuts both ways. That's why so many of our modern advancements can be attributed to war time R&D.

And even though a knife can be used to slice cheese they still sell a lot of sliced cheese. I think we will be alright!

Comment Maybe, uhm, the target market is too small? (Score 1) 609

Microsoft targeted its marketing towards people who think their phone is consuming too much of their time and want to just use it and get back to their lives. Maybe not the best market in a society that texts to distraction, wants full computer experience in their hand, and would worry more about leaving their phone at home than their keys. Maybe?

Comment Why fix what is not broken? I'm going to hate it! (Score 4, Insightful) 252

I don't like the feature, on Google, that moves an indicator when I press my arrow keys and lets me (forces me to) select the link with the enter key. I use my arrow keys for scrolling, not for navigation within the embedded HTML. I have a strong feeling I'm not going to like this either.

Remember when Google won us all over with their simplistic no frills search results? Why do people feel the need to fix what is not broken??

Nick Powers

Comment Human sight develops in the first 4 months of life (Score 1) 231

The wiring for sight is developed during the third and fourth month of life. If the visual system is not stimulated during this time, the ability to form the connections for sight are lost forever.

So unless you catch it at birth then it would be too late for people born blind. If it was caught at birth babies minds are able to adapt the way they process new stimulus much more efficiently than do adults.

Though this is a great breakthrough for people who loose their sight later in life do to some kind of physical damage of the eye.

Nick Powers

Comment Buy the WHITE ones & drink the kool-aid (Score 0, Troll) 349

Apple is great at innovating. Everyone will be holding their breath at the awesome features until he springs the gotcha and hands you the kool-aid to wash it down with.

The iPhone is the greatest PDA phone ever, don't worry it is not really a PDA phone, it's a smart phone!

The iPhone is still the greatest smart phone ever, don't worry you can develop and use WEB apps for it!

The iPhone is the greatest PDA phone ever, don't worry we have the App Store! "You are so like children. We must save you from yourselves."

Our line of black MacBooks have been outselling the white ones 10 to 1, don't worry we don't sell the black ones anymore!

Our full line of laptops, including the MacBook, come with our patented aluminum unibody enclosure and backlit keyboards, don't worry we've redesigned the MacBook with the shiny white case you have grown to love and removed it's backlit keyboard!

(The Future)
What's next? Pick one that sounds great to start but ends up really sucking:

Apple's full line of laptops now have USB 3.0 and eSATA, but don't worry they now all run Apple iOS. "You are so like children. We must save you from yourselves."

Good news, we still have lots of the white MacBooks left. We've lowered the price by $25! Don't worry, we removed the expansion ports and permanently attached it with it's maximum memory (1GB)!!

Apple announces it's biggest merger every... from this day forward we will be known as MappleSoft, come on out and say a few words Bill!!

Buy the FRIGN WHITE ones & drink the kool-aid ALREADY!

Nick Powers

p.s. Yes "You are so like children. We must save you from yourselves." is a quote from the movie iRobot.

Comment Oh no! The shiny glass back I cover up broke! OMG! (Score 3, Interesting) 255

I thought making the back side glass was not overly bright in the first place. I'm not in the group that wants their phone to be all shiny and pretty so they can show it off anyway.

I have not upgraded to the 4, still using the 3gs. Because of the front glass the iPhone requires a case. I have a rubber case that has tread on the back, like a tire. It helps it grip and keeps it from sliding.

If you are the type of person that is going to buy a case that covers up the glass back of the iPhone are scratches on the back really going to bother you? If it cracks the back that could be an issue but how is Apple to blame for this? I would be upset with the people who made the case. It's their fault for the design flaw in their product. You won't see and Apple logo on any of these!


Low-Level Format For a USB Flash Drive? 252

Luyseyal writes "I unwittingly bought one of these terrible flash cards at Fry's and have managed to nuke two of them, successively. I have a USB flash card reader that will read/write the current one at USB 1.0 speed, but it locks up every Ubuntu and XP machine I've come across in high-speed access mode. I have read that if I low-level format it that it could be fixed, though my current one doesn't support it. My Google-fu must be weak because I cannot seem to find a USB flash reader that specifies that it will do low-level formatting." Can anyone offer advice for resurrecting such drives?

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