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Comment Re:"Of the situation" (Score 4, Interesting) 401

Mod parent up, there is so much truth to this. I am an EE in the US (CompE actually), but between the real-world experience and painful interviewing process, it became clear that supply outpaced demand and competition for even the least appealing EE jobs was high. And of course, over time talent supply flows to where the demand (and pay) is higher. Personally I left the field, got my MBA and joined the ranks of evil in the corporate world where there was more demand and money...

Comment Re:Mega Dollars? (Score 5, Funny) 528

It's part of the new dual-currency system they're introducing in the US off of the highly successful Free 2 Play game system model and gamification of real life. Dollars can be earned through normal gameplay, mega-dollars can only be purchased by the Rich or Politically Connected and are required to unlock the best stuff in the the game.

Comment Could be better than the comic (Score 1) 88

I'm disheartened by the mostly negative comments I'm seeing on Slashdot on this. The comic itself isn't bad. The art, while heavily influenced by manga, is nice and unique and has evolved since he started, which is something you don't see much in anime/manga these days outside of something like One Piece. The story wandered a bit but flows better when you aren't reading the page a month that it now updates.

Yes, Fred and his wife have had health problems preventing frequent updates and I am not going to be his apologist, and no I have not read the comic regularly in years, but I think this project has serious potential. He started the comic with heavy influence from the visual novel genre and this could be the ultimate expression of the comic... he may even have a chance to straighten out some story elements. The ability to look at the same story from more than one character's perspective with different play-throughs and multiple endings sounds great as well.

Also, he has a team of developers working with him, he's not doing it on his own, so they should be able to keep this on track. Also, with any luck, one of the stretch goals will be to hire an art assistant (I mean he's blown through nearly every other early stretch goal in a day, why not?).

Submission + - Shunned by White House, Death Star turns to Kickstarter (

SailorSpork writes: "Shunned by the White House, the Death Star has turned to Kickstarter to fund its evil ambitions. At £20,000,000, it will be funded and be allowed to move forward to drawing up plans and finding chicken wire to cover up that vent. If it reaches its stretch goal of £543,000,000,000,000,00 ($850,000,000,000,000,000), full construction can commence.

While clearly a joke (from TFA: "The main challenge is assuring Kickstarter that this is a joke and not a serious project. As proof, the goal has been set high enough to make successful funding almost impossible"), crazier things have happened, and funding is already over £230,000."

The Internet

Submission + - US District Court drops charges against Aaron Swartz (

SailorSpork writes: "The US District Court in Boston has dropped the charges against Aaron Swartz, a web entrepreneur and political activist who committed suicide Friday, according to a court document filed this morning.

In July 2011, Swartz was charged in US District Court in Boston for hacking into the JSTOR archive system on MIT's network in 2010. He allegedly downloaded more than 4 million articles, some of which were behind a paywall." This has been talked about numerous times here.

Comment Re:How do they do it? (Score 2) 80

Nothing changed. As always, you can turn electronics back on after a certain altitude, though you need to keep them in Airplane mode if they are cellular devices (no attempting connection to cellular is allowed at high altitudes). Most phones allow you to manually turn on WiFi while in Airplane mode to accommodate this.

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