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Comment Re:Do you really? (Score 3, Insightful) 647

Hrmmmm as a *writer* and doing other sorts, such as *programming*, I need multiple windows thank you very much. Just because you are incapable of handling anything beyond a small tablet interface does not mean I am limited to such by ability, unless *forced* upon me... I also use *mouse focus*, not *click focus* as well...

Comment Re:What I did. (Score 1) 206

Indeed. pfSense is a seriously useful bit of software! set up a college's main firewall with auto failover between two firewalls.... it can even replicate states and configs automatically. It can also run from CD-ROM with a floppy to store the config on if you have an older box.... And can use just one NIC you have the ability to sep things out by VLAN, etc.

Comment Re:Stupidity! (Score 1) 1017

If you are taking insulin shots, hypoglycemic can be an issue. If you are not taking insulin shots, you can eat *only* fat and some protein and be just fine. You body will split the protein chains up into ketones and sugar on demand, if it needs sugar for anything. There is no reason for our food to be full of it. The modern American diet is killing off the native population!

Comment Re:It's complete bullshit (Score 1) 1017

Eating excess carbs *will* cause wait gain. Insulin spike causes sugar level in blood to drop, which triggers "fake hunger" for carbs, which causes a short term spike in blood sugar followed by another blood sugar low which causes another bout of "fake hunger" for carbs. Especially for those individuals who are *NOT* of European/middle eastern descent. And >40% members of said populations will also develop some degree if diabetes before the age of 45. High levels of cards for non-Europeans/middle eastern descendants is *BAD*

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