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Comment Re: Yeah, that's just what the world needs (Score 1) 625

Well... Shorter lifespans does equate to faster evolution. So if one starts with the (admittedly questionable) premise that we are evolving into something better adapted to future environments then increasing our lifespan may result in humans which are less adapted to their contemporary environments.

Just sayin'. Live longer, adapt slower.

Comment Re:Someone start a defense fund (Score 5, Insightful) 955

The Nuremburg trials are the defacto case setting the record *very* clear that humans have a moral obligation to defy the rules when the rules violate natural or moral rights. Privacy has *long* been established as a natural right and is codified in the highest legal document in the nation. Ergo, the responsibility was on Mr. Snowden to come forth with the information.

That the government is appalled, mortified and furious is clear. But what is even more clear is that there was a horrific abuse of power taking place and a voice of moral conscience stepped forward at great personal risk to protect you, me and all of us.

This is a hero. He deserves the protection of the public at large. And those within the government who have neglected their responsibilities, abandoned the cause of freedom and violated our constitutional and natural rights deserve prosecution to the full extent of the law.

What is just as disheartening as the government's efforts to extradite Snowden, is the total lack of silence in terms of desire to prosecute the actual wrongdoers.

Who were they? What were their names? How high did the chain of command go? When will there be a trial? How many dozens of people (or hundreds?) will be serving 20 year sentences? THESE are the questions that need to be answered. Not whether Mr. Snowden has violated the requirements of his day job.

Serious crimes have been committed. Snowden wasn't part of them.

Comment Re:Crooks definition (Score 0, Offtopic) 130

John Corzine stole a billion dollars and walked away without a trial.

The government of Cyprus stole money from people's bank accounts.

HSBC openly laundered money for Mexican drug cartels, and admitted to it. But no charges were pressed, as HSBC is too big to fail.

You could keep giving examples like the ones above for hours on end.

"Crime" is a very selective word these days indeed...

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