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Comment Re:tabs on top (Score 1) 570

Tabs on top makes sense. The URL bar and navigation buttons belong to a webpage. It makes no sense when changing a tab for things above *and* below it to change. Of course, if tabs were done properly in the window manager (like Fluxbox), tabs in web-browsers wouldn't be an issue.

Comment Re:Speed=Good, but How About Distance? (Score 1) 156

Will this "new, magical and unicorn-like" WiFi travel further? Far enough for municipal WiFi to effectively cover its citizens?

That is a quote from WrongSizeGlass, the post that started the thread you were replying to when you suggested the power-line ethernet. So, yes, if you had read the thread before posting, we were discussing broadband here.

Comment Re:not a "mobile" technology (Score 1) 156

You can get several miles line-of sight without boosting power just by using dishes and a good home made collector. Additionally, some of the 802.11 channels are in the amateur bands, so if you get your HAM license, you can use all the power you need legally (again, ensuring you don't cause interference to other users -ie., directional only).

Comment Re:Speed=Good, but How About Distance? (Score 1) 156

The power-line Ethernet you link to is a short-distance in-home consumer product (competes with ethernet or wifi, not DSL or cable internet). The municipal (long distance) power-line stuff is no better than utilizing existing phone line or cable wires to the residence. Further, it has a lot of problems not present in DSL or cable internet, such as major RF interference.

Comment Re:Another Stab At a Canadian DMCA (Score 1) 237

I don't believe we have enough F-18's to really qualify as a squadron, not to mention they are usually distributed across the country. We do have considerable manpower and ground equipment (relative the the size of our country) and significant expertise (excellent research and training budgets).

Comment Re:bikes, not cars? (Score 1) 161

Seems more practical to recharge bikes (either electric-assisted, or motorcycles), rather than cars.

This would also be ideal for bike-share systems like the successful Bixi in Montreal. You need the power to run the bike dock and pay station. Some of these systems (not Bixi) also rent out pre-charged e-bikes.

Comment Re:why, at that rate... (Score 1) 161

A fleet of electrics will easily have "ten times as many" charging stations as an equivalent gas fleet would have gas stations. Of course, most charging stations cost $1k and would be located in the car's overnight parking location (garage, corporate lot, etc.) Gas stations cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and require at least one staff whenever operational. There's no problem replacing one gas station with ten charging stations. Public stations like this would likely be used when an extra charge is needed, not every day (traveling, shopping, etc.).

Comment Re:Yeeeeeehaw! (Score 1) 374

People also forget about that massive road and highway network connecting every little town and city in their country. They also forget that people used to die regularly from unsanitary drinking water in cities. How about providing schools and education for millions people? Governments don't build anything, bull shit.

Comment Re:My wish (Score 1) 874

It seems that lately, "hackers" and other "computer savvy" Hollywood characters use interfaces full of text (often rapidly scrolling). Perhaps it's the influence of the Matrix, but it's closer to the real thing than flying through a 3D representation of a hard drive.

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