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Comment Re:Dunning Kreuger effect (Score 1) 809

One of the problems with questions like this, especially out of the blue (that is not as a contextual followup) is that there are many answers depending on the context inside the questioners head. For example: "How does memory work?" Well, do you mean at the physical level? Or from a memory addressing model level, from a C style pointer level, heap vs stack, or just the idea of binary digits?

Likewise with the OP question of "How does public key encryption work?" either the question reduces to the absurdly easy "How do you encrypt a file with PGP?" or it requires a bunch of math that I really don't know. Since I can't believe that someone would ask the first question in an interview for Senior Developer then the answer left is "With a bunch of math I don't know."

Comment Re:Relevant Expertise (Score 1) 809

I disagree. If that's an acceptable answer then so is "Click the send encrypted email button in the email client." You do have server integrated encryption don't you? Why is the developer/user even concerned about this? If there's a business need for encrypted email then it should be handled by the infrastructure team and (ideally) not rely on the user to know or care about it.

If you're interviewing for a developer and you want to check into generic domain knowledge ask about Source Code Management and dealing with merge conflicts. And, don't use abbreviations. Just because you know what SCM means doesn't mean that the interviewee is going to pull up the correct reference under stress (and yes, interviewing is stressful).

Comment Re:Did they ask if they could look it up? (Score 1) 809

If you would be happy with 'use your public key to send it to you' then it's a perfectly reasonable interview question IMO.

I disagree. If that's an acceptable answer then so is "Click the send encrypted email button in the email client." You do have server integrated encryption don't you? Why is the developer/user even concerned about this? If there's a business need for encrypted email then it should be handled by the infrastructure team and (ideally) not rely on the user to know or care about it.

If you're interviewing for a developer and you want to check into generic domain knowledge ask about Source Code Management and dealing with merge conflicts. And, don't use abbreviations. Just because you know what SCM means doesn't mean that the interviewee is going to pull up the correct reference under stress (and yes, interviewing is stressful).


Comment Re:The whole idea is crazy (Score 1) 288

Yes, you can make analogies and thought experiments that can give a contextual meaning to the phrase: "Act as if it were -100K". However, that doesn't make the question "How does matter behave at -100K?" a meaningful question, because -100K is not a meaningful symbol outside of a metaphorical context. Which brings us back to the original point that it is not meaningful to ask questions like "What happened before there was time?" You can ask "what was before the Big Bang?" only if you do not accept the idea that the space-time universe was created with the Big Bang, in which case you'll have to argue with the theoretical support for that idea.

Comment Re:The whole idea is crazy (Score 2) 288

Temperature is a measure of molecular motion. 0 K is the point at which molecular motion stops. So, while you can make comprehensible sentences around the idea of -100K you can't make meaningful sentences about a state in which there is less than 0 molecular motion. The only way that you can make sense of the sentence is by ignoring the meaning of terms within the sentence.

Comment Call Center (Score 1) 309

So, I imagine the 3rd party is like a big call center with a bunch of people in it. When you say the activation phrase, "OK TV" it connects your tv to somebody's terminal and they hear you say your commands "Channel 20, volume medium" and they push the remote control buttons on their terminal for you. (You're call may be recorded for quality assurance purposes, and general hilarity).

Comment Re: If he actually did all that... (Score 0) 257

The guy knowingly created a way for [criminals to do business privately]

Did you know that the US Treasury knowingly creates a mechanism for [criminals] to anonymously exchange goods for value? Should all of their employees be convicted?

Ok, so that's a bit silly, but my point is that creating a system that can be used to facilitate crime isn't necessarily the same thing as committing a crime. In this case it appears that he also used his service to commit crimes which makes it less ambiguous.

Comment Re:Patent Grammar Too (Score 1) 425

Type "cp -a /etc .".

Because if I didn't include the period, it would be ambiguous. I know so-called "standard English" doesn't like that.

Actually, standard English is fine with that because the "." character inside your quote is not a period. A period is a specific mark used to indicate the end of a sentence. the dot inside your quote, while it looks like a period is actually a symbol representing the current directory and is not a punctuation mark. Likewise, in your previous example, the period is not part of the quote so it goes outside the quote marks.

The point of punctuation is to reduce ambiguity and usage that achieves that is generally correct. I almost always punctuate outside the quotes when quoting and inside the quotes when writing dialog.

Comment Re: Fascinating (Score 1) 425

I'm going to slightly disagree about the motivation of drive-by wiki editing. If I'm reading a wikipedia entry and notice a problem (awkward phrasing, incorrect usage, comma usage, etc.) I might fix it, that's kind of the point of a wiki. It isn't, at least in my case, meant to be condescending; it's meant to be helpful.

Also, I've never thought of neither...nor... as archaic it just sounds better to me, so I might fix neither..or if I saw it.

Comment Re:life in the U.S. (Score 1) 255

Competition and/or expanding access would go alot further to bettering the internet than increasing the broadband definition.

This is true, but I suspect that there is some sort of money involved in being classified as "broadband" by the FCC and that money is the reason that Verizon and Cable companies don't want to be defined as not broadband. If that's true, then this is the mechanism that the FCC has to encourage companies to improve their network speeds.

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