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Comment FUD? Really? (Score -1) 240

So now it came to the advanced PR strategy commonly known as a shouting match -- supportetrs of something extremely unpopular bombard the population with meaningless statements that seem to support their ideas, and insult everyone who disagrees with them. The goal is to present unpopular idea as popular in hope to recruit supporters among the uninformed, until it will become popular.

The reality is, Wayland developers' design abilities are at the level of kindergarten. This is why they claim, it is so hard to extend or update the protocol while providing backward compatibility -- because they are all incapable of protocol design.

Their "answers" are blatantly intellectually dishonest. There is no effort -- none whatsoever -- to provide network transparency for Wayland applications, and the support they promise for X11 applications (that their system is supposed to replace) is at the same level that exists on Windows -- famous for being total crap. Clearly they want to make X11 applications unusable, so everyone will have to switch to their system, and there there will be at best Windows level of remote UI.

And just to pre-emptively answer the hordes of people parroting "But X is so horrible" and "But remote X does not work" bullshit.

Windows remote desktop is not better than remote X11 applications, and anyone who tells this, never actually seen X11 being used. What is not surprising considering that he is a Microsoft marketring contractor.

P.S. Thanks to some of you, now my karma is "Terrible", so I can only post twice a day. Congratulations with your great victory and please die in a fire.
I also ask everyone who wants to support me, or at least to counter-act this bullshit, to mod up my posts.

Comment Re:Parent has got it. (Score -1) 497

Except, of course, all those things are tied to Windows programming model, and are completely unnecessary on platforms other than Windows, for programmers other than Windows programmers. It's easier to create something from scratch than to port it from Microsoft model, even if you have all kinds of pseudo-emulation and ports -- at best you will get a modern equivalent of MSIE for Solaris (yes, it existed).

Comment Re:The equipment isn't the story (Score 0) 316

Who cares what equipment they're using... A piece of crap camera in a skilled photog's hands can still get a great photo.

Yes, it can. Occasionally and given the conditions that won't cause the picture to turn into a total crap due to simple laws of physics. The point of photo journalism is not to make "great photos", it's to make acceptably good photos OF THINGS THEY ARE REPORTING ABOUT.

What is often in conditions like this, this, this, this or this.

And then amateur (such as myself) is ok, but he still has to use a camera that can handle the lighting conditions, movement, distance and required depth of field, and have minimal clue about taking photos in those conditions. Neither a great photographer with iPhone, nor a reporter with minimal training and DSLR (because really, they have to be delusional to combine a beginner photographer and a camera that only works in perfect conditions) would be able to take them. I admit, I have chosen subjects such as Valencia Street hipster in his natural environment for the heck of it, but journalists don't get such a choice.

Comment Re:oh jeez; let's all discover agile again (Score 0) 195

There are no "code monkeys" for the same reason why there are no human calculators and tape operators -- tools reached the point where it makes no sense to dedicate people to implementation because communication of "architects" with those people causes more effort and greater possibility of mistakes than just having the same developer doing design and implementation. Anyone who pretends that this distinction still exists, is a charlatan.

Comment Re:Something It Isn't (Score 1, Informative) 775

Really? I have a pen camera that I don't have to hold out to record with.

Yes, you do unless you want to record the floor.

I have a harness for my GoPro that doesn't require me to hold it out in front.

Those cameras are easily visible, and if they weren't there would be just as much backlash against them.

I have a pair of sunglasses with a camera built in that doesn't require me to hold it out.

And using those is considered just as bad than any other kind of recording.

I can even record on my phone without anyone knowing because it just looks like I'm using my phone.

No you can't, phones are designed to make cameras absolutely blatantly obvious. If they weren't, there would be a lot of places where they would be banned.

Comment Re:wayland (Score -1, Troll) 259

I'm not quite sure where you get the idea that I'm a windows fan. I am platform agnostic and use whatever fits the purpose.

The only possible way for you to see worse X11 performance than everything else you mentioned, is by using Windows everywhere.

I'm actually a FreeBSD + Mac user at home a mixed environment (FreeBSD/Linux/vSphere/Windows) at work to pay the bills.

Yeah right. You have VM disk image with FreeBSD. Or had. Somewhere. Maybe.

None of my current platforms of choice can run Wayland, and currently on FreeBSD, X11 is the only option. It's still crap.

If that was true, you would not post this crap, or anything at all, in this thread. If you are not a Microsoft fanboy, you are their shill.

Comment Re:wayland (Score -1, Troll) 259

But if something is crap, I'll call it crap - i don't particularly care who is responsible for it. X11 is crap.

And KDE is crap, too, right? And XFCE. Gnome2 was also some unusable crap that you could never use. And everything else, except glorious Windows...
Oh please, be honest, tell us how you feel about everything that is not your comfortable, intuitive Microsoft desktop.

VNC is crap too, but performs somewhat better than X

VNC only performs better than X when used over high-latency lines, or if you have only seen X running on a live CD, with crippled drivers. Or, of course, if your "X" is actually some half-assedly done Windows-based X server.

Comment Re:Energy a bit more important than Beer (Score 0) 325

Cost? Cost?????? Are you fucking insane?

If water is indeed contaminated, the amount of energy alone required for such a process' will exceed the amount of the energy produced. The only way any "cost" will be involved, is if one entity enriches itself by selling gas, while another, likely the public, will have to do the cleanup.

One can argue that on average the cost of keeping the probability of contamination low, and cost of cleanup multiplied by a probability of contamination would be still below the energy cost, even considering the possibility of the contamination, however what you said is pure nonsense, and it reveals complete ignorance of anything that determines "cost" of anything. Hint: it's not the amount of whining you have to perform for daddy to pay for a new car, or whatever the fuck you feel entitled to.

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