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Submission + - The Spiky Penis Gets the Girl ( 1

sciencehabit writes: Hooked penises, long observed on fly genitalia, seem to function like peacock tails, reports ScienceNOW. That is, they help males beat out their rivals for females. How do scientists know this? They zapped fly penises with a laser, and looked at how successful they were mating. "We can cut the tiniest of structures with the highest of precision," says evolutionary ecologist Michal Polak of the University of Cincinnati in Ohio, "all without harming the fly." The researchers placed cut and uncut males in vials alone with a female. Cut males vigorously attempted to mate, but--unlike the uncut males--most slid off the females, unable to copulate. When cut males did manage to hang on long enough, they proved just as fertile as uncut males, showing that spines had little to do with postinsemination sexual selection. Instead, the genital spines give an advantage before insemination by fastening the genitalia together like Velcro fasteners. The study provides some important insight into one of Darwin's oldest ideas--sexual selection--just cross your fingers this technology never makes it past animal testing.

Comment Re:Times change (Score 0) 308

I think there is much less hate against Apple, but the difference (and this seems to be said on Slashdot much these days) is that MS has a monopoly and Apple doesn't. The world is also much different now than it was ten years ago. Now there is a thriving and working alternative free OS (in fact more than one) that can be used fairly easily compared to then. We enjoy comparative virtual freedom compared to the days when MS was far more dominant. Of course, we still dislike MS because we remember, but personally I've found that I hardly care about MS any more because it's not as though they can squash Linux like they did for say, Netscape back in the day.

Comment Re:The inevitable Slashdot response... (Score 1) 149

Before the very recent N900 and some other fringe phones, mobile phones were like Windows, only worse: locked and you really can't do anything with them, and half the features cost an arm and a leg when they should be free. Hence, most people don't want them. Imagine if all phones were unlocked, texts, caller ID, and other features which don't cost the phone company any money were free. I think phones would have more positive rep then.

Comment Re:Result (Score 5, Interesting) 809

But you mention a good point: the suspect was apprehended with the help of a passenger. How about instead of wasting billions of dollars on ridiculous security measures, we pay passengers to take martial arts lessons?

Or, instead of banning weapons, what about mandating that everyone flying MUST carry a knife with them?

Comment One Option (Score 1) 823

Pencil and paper.

Forget the computer for mathematics classes. You will never get as fast with any sort of computer technology as you will with paper. If you want to jot down a quick calculation, or more importantly, draw a diagram, paper and pencil are painless and easy, and as a result you'll spend more time focusing on what's really important: what the professor is saying and doing on the board.

I'm a math major just graduated and taking graduate courses in mathematics currently so I've had much experience here. I've tried to take notes with a computer. I am very quick with LaTeX. You can even define your own macros specific to what the professor is likely to write and even then I think a computer for taking notes in a math course is useless.

Comment Re:Huh? (Score 1) 369

The internet is one source but even if you pirate you can't get even a decent fraction of books found in the library, and if you consider the kinds of books I usually read, i.e. scholarly monographs and texts, you can't find virtually any. The internet is good for a breadth-first search and a cursory glance but extremely poor for quality, in-depth information about many topics such as mathematics and anything else academic.

The internet has a long way to go before it's as good as even a bad library in terms of books. Music and movies are another story, and the internet surpasses most libraries in this regard. Music and movies are also easy to watch on a computer compared to reading a book on a computer, which sucks.

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