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Comment Re:My two cents (Score 1) 143

This really isn't different than a police officer viewing the recording to see the offender's face, then going through books of mugshots to find the face, then investigating those people that the officer thinks might be the offender. This is simply the computer taking the image that the police officer identified and searching those "books" for close matches, then the police looking at the MO of the crime as compared to the MO of the person previously arrested, and investigating ones that have the most commonality first.

Well, since a lot of manual bars were and are lowered when we go from manual matching to computerized search you have to be a bit more careful with that argument. (It's close to being an antique if nothing else).

It's akin to the difference between going out fishing with a pole or two, to scouring the ocean with a fleet of trawlers. In essence it's the same activity, but the effects can be vastly different.

It's for example not at all improbable that the quality of match will decrease significantly when computers are involved for the single simple fact that a search doesn't "cost" nearly as much as with the manual system, and therefore it will be used much less judiciously. It goes from "Won't do that until there's a clear chance it will succeed", to "Well, it doesn't hurt to try." If people (e.g. courts) are still used to the evidentiary value of the old process, which wasn't typically used unless police thought it worthwhile, then the risk of falsely accusing someone just went up. (Perhaps even significantly). And that's just one risk off the top of my head.

So it's often not that computers allow a significantly different behaviour in theory (in fact we're crap at coming up with fundamentally new and exciting ways of using computers), we're masters at automating the old "manual" ways of doing things. It's that automating something tends to lead to difference use cases in practice, as it enables usage that would previously have been prohibitively expensive, and that we're usually crap at predicting what those effects would be.

(Compare mass surveillance. Hitler and East Germany did it, but they were about the only ones as the cost were staggering when all you had were manual methods of collection and analysis of the collecte data (the latter typically dominated cost). It was cost prohibitive for everybody but the most hard core of tyrants. Today the methods are so cheap that it happens almost by "accident" when it comes to the private sector, and even well run democracies fall into the "mass surveillance" trap, since it's it's so cheap and keeping it secret is much easier due to lower number of people who have to be involved. And the latter is one of those secondary effects that we're crap at foreseeing. It used to be that you couldn't keep that level of surveillance secret, there were just too many people involved. Everybody had to know they were oppressed, which meant that some organisations wouldn't dream of using it, lest they be tarred with that brush. Today it's relatively much easier and that's much of the outrage (what little there is, unfortunately), that people have come to the realisation that the US can, in a sence, be East Germany, without having to look like it. (Well, that likeness is of course not to be taken too far, obviously there are clear differences, but you get my drift.)

Comment Re:Fingerprints (Score 1) 143

I think his point is that fingerprint and DNA false positives dont lead to a suspect that looks like what a witness saw. Whereas facial regonition false positives almost guarantee that the person will at least look similar to what the witness saw. Thus for facial recognition, the witness-as-a-confirmation is not as compelling. It's almost the same piece of evidence, rather than two corroborating pieces.

That's a very good point, and well worth considering, especially given the now known fallibility of eyewitness accounts. (Not that courts want to really consider that, since that would make convicting someone much, much harder.

On the flip side. This match is one which humans are well equipped to reason about. We know instinctively what "likeness" means and it's easy for (almost) everybody involved to judge the similarity between i.e. a mugshot and a grainy surveillance video. In fact the quality of the evidence (graininess or lack thereof) is easily grasped by police, prosecution, defence and jury alike.

This is very far from the case when it comes to even fingerprints, or horror of horrors DNA, where the quality of evidence and what risk factors are involved is "voodo" for 99.99% of society. Not even statisticians seem to be able to agree on a single definition of what a DNA match (esp. the kind we're talking about here, i.e. a fishing expedition match) actually means. So facial recognition has some redeeming feature from that perspective.

Comment Re:Too dangerous to keep digitally now? (Score 2) 378

Sure, the warning should really be against "Security only though obscurity." But that doesn't scan. Or something.

Then again, there are times when obscurity will hinder your security. I.e. it's a better trade-off to publish your new crypto algorithm to try and attract the experts to tell you where you got it wrong, rather than relying on your own expertise. Unless you'er a government signals intelligence organisation you probably don't have it.

Also. Keeping a well defined secret, is not "obscurity". So having a crypto key, or (in this case) a password, is not a problem per se. That's not "obscurity" as such. Thinking that having it printed in a manual that "the wrong people won't ever get to look at" without making sure of that is putting too much trust in "obscurity" though.

Comment Re:Total misrepresentation of Evolution (Score 1) 161

I found Mims' statement that he has "built thousands of circuits, none of which were made by randomly wiring together components" very telling. If he were to wire billions of circuits by randomly wiring together components, then he might end up with a few that were useful.

That experiment was also done. Doing it in hardware turned out to give a lot of unexpected side effects, such as not being able to remove a "dead" circuit, as it's effect on capacitance and cross talk having a real effect after all.

So in order to address this they instead tried simulation of passive analogue filters (obvious fitness function and you can control which building blocks that "nature" gets to play with) and matched against the patent data base. It turns out that you indeed end up with a lot of different filters that work very well, but can be difficult to analyze, being messy evolved creatures. And also that you find the ones that made it into the patent data base.

So, even that particular version of "we do it by design so therefore nature must have" is a bust. We've done it both ways, and both ways demonstrably work. This was hot stuff in academia in the nineties so it's not exactly brand new...

Comment Re:So that you don't have to RTFA (Score 1) 286

A lot of the US gets heavy seasonal snow & ice which I don't think is nearly as prevalent in the UK. Also the thought line is probably that having above ground ones are far more noticeable, in fact in some areas where they get real heavy snow they attach brightly colored metal poles to the hydrants in case they are covered by snow.

Like I said below. We have the same design in Sweden as well, and it's no problem here. If the street is clear enough of snow that the fire engine can get to the site, then it's clear enough that the fire hydrant is accessible. (And they are marked with a "flag" on a pole that shows direction and distance).

In fact when it comes to heavy snow and emergency clearing, putting the fire hydrant on the side of the street would be a liability, as that's where the snow ends up when you run the plow. Especially if there isn't a side walk, then that area would likely never be cleared as long as there's snow for the plows. That fire hydrant would thaw out in spring along with the rest of the muck.

Comment Re:So that you don't have to RTFA (Score 3, Interesting) 286

Snow. The design you talk about works well if there is no snow on the ground.

Well, thing is we have the same kind of fire hydrant in Sweden as well. So the snow argument doesn't "hold water"... They're not difficult to find since being in the street there's not much snow on top of it (we clear our streets, if the fire engine can get there, then the fire hydrant can be used) and there's a sign on a post marking the direction and distance to the fire hydrant.

It bugs me though that I haven't ever gotten the "why are manhole covers round" when interviewing in the US. My first answer would be, "They're not. Fire hydrants are rectangular for instance. Next question please..." :-)

Comment Re:Sun 4 Keyboard (Score 1) 166

Sexist! A keyboard should be equally good for beating anyone to death, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation.

Nope, men are on average much harder to beat to death than women. A wimpy keyboard may be sturdy enough to still beat a woman to death with, but a good keyboard is sturdy enough to beat a man to death with.

But your right that while gender does play a role, ethnicity or sexual orientation doesn't. Well usually at least. Some races of people are smaller and lighter on average, so let's exclude those. Don't come bragging that your keyboard held up to beating a pygmy to death!

Comment Re:Allow me to explain how much the US pays... (Score 1) 286

If you actually wanted to know the reasons, rather than flame and rant from ignorance of the topic, you're perfectly capable of doing some research on the subject, and gathering facts and figures, or finding resources from others who have done so before you.

I know the reasons. Living in Europe and having worked several years in the telecoms industry. (And son, if you think that was a flame, you weren't around when the internet was young...)

I was just interested in what you thought the reasons were, since your explanation for why it might be cheaper in Romania (which BTH aren't exactly watertight) doesn't even begin to explain why the rest of Europe (barring a few dark corners) have so much better connectivity, at drastically lower cost than the US. That is to say, the part of Europe where cost and regulations are much higher and stricter than in the US.

Sure, I might have come of as a bit snarky right off the bat, but I am really interested in what your arguments are, or rather, your reasons for thinking the way you do about this issue.

Comment Re:So here's my question (Score 1) 433

So, how do we go after these guys then?

That's been studied at length. And the solution is "simple", i.e. easy to state but harder to accomplish.

Terrorist organisations (from a military standpoint) rely exclusively on the civilian society for support. It's their logistics, intelligence, funding, base of operations etc. etc. So, what you need to do it distance the organisation from its support for long enough that it starves and dies. This can be done the "nice" way, like the British in Burma, whereby they armed the local population and worked with education and propaganda to isolate the communist guerilla. But you don't have to be nice as demonstrated in Kenya with the Mau Mau where strategic villages (aka "concentration camps") effectively isolated the guerilla from their support. The organisation that ultimately won was the same in name only, and it was mostly political pressure from abroad on the government that made them abandon their largely successful approach.

The other thing you have to remember is that to win takes stamina (something the US has always lacked abroad). The guerilla only have to not lose to win. As long as they exist and can perform operations they're in business. The other side on the other hand has to actually win, i.e. defeat the guerilla in detail, so that they virtually cease to exist, in order to claim victory.

Given this, there's little to support a campaign of drone strikes. It's very difficult to see what such a campaign would ultimately achieve other than as a small part of a larger strategy.

There was an article in Parameters, Scholarly quarterly journal of the US Army War College a few years back on this very topic. So it's not exactly new knowledge. If you leaf through that they often have papers on irregular warfare (not surprisingly). It's available for free online.

Comment Re:When it comes to "big money" (Score 1) 411

My math skills may be rusty, but I vaguely recall that a such a continuous function necessarily has a global maximum.

Well, not really. Matematically it may have several equal maxima, so it doesn't have to have a global maxima.

But that's mathematically. In this case there will probably be one global maxima (more or less). We probably won't see wild swings up and down that aren't part of a general trend of increase or decline. Several "trend" tops are unlikely.

Comment Re:Will it really go the pulseaudio way? (Score 1) 179

I don't run Linux, and I've never had to deal with X, so this isn't an emotive issue for me. But your post was clearly not a serious of facts, more of a backlash against perceived slights from Wayland developers and/or "fanboys", the latter being a useful way to smear people who disagree.

Your post might make more sense if the existence of Wayland meant that X no longer existed, but as that's clearly not true it's hard to take claims of "throwing out a perfectly good system in favour of an ideological rewrite" seriously. And ideology? There have been plenty of technical arguments since the beginning, here's one set that was posted on /. a while back, and it's just the first one I found.

As far as I'm aware X currently does act like VNC in most cases, except without any compression at all and a synchronous API - so nobody uses it directly because of the performance issues, instead using ssh as a tunnel. Even having it act like per-window VNC with H.264 compression would be an advantage. But anyway, that's all part of the compositor, which now has RDP as part of the core, and I've yet to see any explanation of why or how X forwarding is different or better than rootless RDP.

The assumption that forwarding is a critical feature is based on the idea that your personal requirements are the only important ones. If a piece of software doesn't do what you want, don't use it. As it turns out, they are supporting it (as I'd read from pretty much day one), it's just taken time to get to that point... as you'd expect from alpha software.

Comment Re:Wayland is nothing until (Score 1) 179

You might be interested in this podcast if I'm reading your post right... they talk quite a bit about using js-git to mount GitHub repositories as file systems, so that you can mount a repository, copy files into it and then run a commit and have the stuff you've copied automagically pushed to GitHub.

It's certainly interesting stuff even if possibly overkill :)

Comment Re:Will it really go the pulseaudio way? (Score 1) 179

Actually, you were moderated down for your overly vitriolic rant full of factual errors, logical fallacies and heroic assumptions in the guise of fact. A perfect example of the "peanut gallery rant-fest" as a comment above yours mentions. And seriously, you got moderated down, then threw a strop, and then posted it again with a hissy fit preamble? How long have you been posting here?

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