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Comment why do we need secrets ? (Score 1) 104

i can't see any value for citizens in frackers being able to keep secrets about how they drill , this secrecy makes it harder to fix any problems they cause because we emergency services will not have simple access to the list of chemicals being used.

also , wtf is the government allowing the pumping of tones of unspecified chemicals into the ground ? how can that possibly be sensible custodianship ?

This secrecy has created the value in this industry , if there were real scrutiny of what was being done by frackers it would not be allowed so the need for secrecy was created and sold as a requirement for investors instead of the abuse of process that it actually is.

I suspect these hackers are targeting this info not for commercial gains , its not that valuable as there are probably only a few drilling equipment suppliers to choose from , but for its social disruption value. If more people knew what was actually being done by frackers they would not allow it.

Worse , this posturing that the chinese are trying to steal our valuable secrets for commercial purposes is directly misleading.

Comment Why do governments need this ? (Score 1) 152

At what point do we decide that giving the ruling classes more and more technological weapons to use against its citizens is a sign that our system of government has failed ? i think that happened a while ago to be honest. If your government needs weapons to stay in power its not leadership its tyranny.

I reject the assumption that the worlds need weapons to be safe , we need NO weapons to be truely safe.

Comment missing the point (Score 0) 448

We should not make these weapons in the first place , then we would not have these problems.

The situation in Iraq has spiralled out of control from the fallout of the second world war repartitioning of the middle east with not regard for the indigenous people.

war begets war

every time we try and fix it gets worse and now we face the possiblity that the russians and the middle east might unite against us.

we need to back away and leave it well alone and stop selling weapons to anyone.

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