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Comment Re:Rational (Score 1) 807

the original south american tobacco could be considered a weed but the american Y1 and other commerical varieties are so selectively bread that they are practically a new species.

They have different effects , wild tobacco is almost hallucinogenic and non-addictive whereas
commercial tobacco is just addictive because of
its extreme nicotene content.

if you dont believe me check wikipedia

Comment Re:That gets a lot done (Score 1) 303

no he fought because he was duped by his government into risking his life for the advancement of the governments agendas.

If you invade another country you dont kill all the people in the process , otherwise there is no value and anyone left hates you , thus individuals have very little to fear from other countries , politicans have everything to lose.

Politicians will always try delude the foolish into fighting for them because it not only provides a physical manifestation of their power but provides advertising in the form of the patriotism bullshit that people spout when there
is a war on . read 1984 people.

I'm not saying any individual in a war is not brave or courageous but lets stop pretending
they are doing anything but corporate dirty work
and see this situation for all it is. legalised murder . watch generation kill people.

As long as war is an option peace isnt .


Comment Re:Escape to A (Score 1) 451

i'm not sure if they are that different but i would expect them to not be completely the same.

It gets very complicated to work out exactly what
is allowed , this thread covers a lot of it.

in summary - you need to tell your 802.11a adapter if you are using it outside and turbo
mode is an no-no.

There is a definition of 'nomadic' networks where you can pretty much do anything but for a permanent install you are expected to work out your power levels before installation.

Comment Re:HAHAHAHA (Score 1) 249

yes but i'm guessing that most people dont wank over transcripts from patent dispute cases so i
don't think this going to arouse as much interest.

This also leads me to the notion that your score 4 insightfull modding is alluding to the insight that either you suck at idioms or you are patent law fetishist . my money is on the latter ;-)

Comment Re:Good reason to use Linux (Score 3, Informative) 595

if they think there is encrypted data and you are withholding it they can have a very good go at trying to get you sent to prison.


You might have noticed the growing amount of descretionary powers that fundamentally assault
our privacy , thats the war on terror/drugs/communism and you are paying for it !

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