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Comment Re: In other words (Score 1) 305

I don't think the gp has seen the conditions those astronomers have to work in - it can be bloody cold and the lack of oxygen at those altitudes (Chile anyway) can be downright dangerous as it can impair your mind.

If there was a conspiracy surely they'd be building telescopes by at sea level close to bars and strip clubs.

Comment Re:"Other types of electromagnetic radiation" (Score 5, Insightful) 529

I was going to suggest that the more sensible option would be to get rid of the woman as she was faking sickness to get days off - especially if the "sickness" goes when the light is off - but then she would probably have sued because just because it's psychosomatic it doesn't mean she's actually sick.

Comment Re:Faith is not separated from the real world (Score 1) 305

Well, let's test this scientific theory of yours by asking for examples... Please, list such "intrusions"..

Well, there's the Bible - the people who originally wrote it existed on the material plane. They also needed faith to believe that the stories (or in several cases voices in their heads) were real. Therefore faith has had to intrude on the material plane, if it didn't we'd have no knowledge of it.

The laws and traditions deal with ethics and philosophy, not scientific discipline(s). I wonder, why you even brought these up.

Probably because in the past (and present), religion has deemed to weigh in on scientific arguments. I hate to bring up the cliche that is Galileo, but as foolish as he was, he (and others) had their scientific writings banned by the Catholic church.

Citations, please [regarding great detail]

Granted, it's not great detail, but they do claim to understand why god did things - generally it's because he's angry with his creation for not behaving the way he knew they wouldn't.

Citations, please. [regarding falsifiability]

Talking serpent, great flood...

Personally, it's not the faith in a supernatural being that I find bewildering, it's the faith that said omniscient being is good and that it didn't create humanity for the sole purpose of trolling them. Read the bible without the view that god is good and you realise it describes us being set up to fail from the get go.

Comment Re: Bank admits error? (Score 1) 96

What a superb way of doing business. Reminds me of a speaker at a business conference in the 80s who got a standing ovation. He described how he increased company revenue by refusing to pay his creditors until they went out of business. For some reason those lauding him didn't seem to think that the same thing could happen to them.

Any small businesses we've dealt with recently have refused to take cheques - probably for that exact reason.

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