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Comment Re: We might already have a working theory... (Score 1) 121

1) Magnetic forces, Plasma, and high electrical systems are in a great position to cause nuclear fusion.
2) The spectral readings of the elements are a result of the atoms emitting light due to being excited and releasing that energy. It is the electrical grid of the galaxy that lights up the star's matter. There is nothing to explain away, just a different way of explaining why what you see is happening.


Comment And this is why... (Score 1) 500

I had made my Windows 8.0 install work nicely for me. It never pestered me to upgrade to 10, but I need security updates. I never installed 8.1 because I didn't want to risk the stability of my Laptop that was working just fine. So, last month, I got new drives and installed Ubuntu 16.04. I'm going to miss the Windows-only games on Steam that I never played anyway. Still working out some minor annoyances, but it has been working well for me so far.
(Anybody know how to make the alt key keep the menu opening. I tap the alt key, then hit the f key separately, so it is alt then f. Not Alt-F. My "saving" muscle reflex is alt, then f, then s. But that isn't working for me in Ubuntu.)
Yeah, Microsoft, I took my ball and went somewhere else instead. (But if I really need to, I can put the old drives back in...)


Comment Re:Use a G3258 (Score 1) 207

I just built a couple of G3258 machines. It is a good chip, but I probably would have used the G4400 instead if I had noticed it before doing my builds to allow an easier better upgrade to the newer i3/i5/i7s.

I have year-old clearance sale 1GB nvidia 650s that I got cheap that were in the replaced machines.

If you need graphics, buy any nvidia card you can and you'll be better off.


Comment Firewall/Router blocking settings? (Score 1) 240

Does anybody have instructions for common hardware firewalls and routers on what needs to be blocked at the network level?

My google-fu keeps failing me and everybody tries to explain how to do it using the built-in firewall which is probably as secure as guarding the hen house with foxes.


Comment House wiring needs (Score 1) 557

In-Wall speaker wire and other entertainment system wiring (with lines to a projector mount in the ceiling.).

12 Volt DC electrical wiring in addition to standard AC wiring. That way if you go Solar or Battery, you can keep your electrical systems from doing multiple wasteful conversions.

Ethernet wiring and Cable wiring. While wireless is handy, you need a good wired infrastructure to get your gear in to optimal places. Wired fixed equipment frees up your wireless bandwidth for your portable stuff (and is a bit more future proof since the wired standards are fairly well set).

Drains in the floors of rooms with water service. Much less flood damage when the washer or dishwasher breaks down somehow or a sink gets stopped up with the water forgotten.

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