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Submission + - Adblock Plus victorious again in court (businessinsider.com)

Xochil writes: Adblock Plus, which claims to be the most popular ad blocking tool, has been victorious again in court versus publishers who took out lawsuits against its owner company Eyeo demanding that users should not be allowed to legally block ads on their sites.

Comment Re:Corruption? In Russia? (Score 3, Insightful) 94

"At least, the Russian government is doing something about it."

No, no they're not. It's just being swept underneath a bigger rug. A rug also filled with many vermin who will enact the same corruption as before, but hide it more betterly. At least in the US our media outlets get to cover this kind of thing to keep them honest and transparent. In Russia, the media is in on the caper. 100% true facts, kid. Get a clue next time you chime into a topic. I'll bet on NASA over the Kosmonuts on EVERY occasion. BOOM!!1! That JUST HAPPENED! (only a simulation, had another Russian Space Junk Probe blown up we'd have funny pix on Instagrab already, dingus.)

Submission + - Russian Space Agency Missing $1.8 Billion, May Be Replaced (ibtimes.co.uk)

An anonymous reader writes: After a pair of high profile launch failures in the past few months, Russian space agency Roscosmos is making headlines again: this time for corruption. A public spending watchdog reported that the organization had misused 92 billion rubles ($1.8 billion) in 2014 alone. Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said their space efforts have been undermined by rampant corruption. "We have uncovered acts of fraud, abuse of authority (and) document forgery. With such a level of moral decay, one should not be surprised at the high accident rate." He also said Roscosmos is to be "abolished," and replaced by a state corporation of the same name by the end of the year. "In its new, corporate identity, Roscosmos will be responsible not only for setting mission goals but managing wages for space industry workers and modernizing production facilities."

Comment Re:The death of privacy (Score -1, Flamebait) 294

Exactly, how is this any different than black boxes on airplanes? It isn't. Shave off the beard, take off that fucking ridiculous hat and just drive the fucking train, bus, plane, undersea-copter, or whatever the fuck you have to do because you failed to read the right books and now you have low job skills and you have a job where you drive other people around for a living! Good work, idiot. Seriously, airline pilots? Those guys have to have navigation and engineering skills, all those other jobs are just some guy who's going to get replaced by a robot.

Dear Robot Uber Driver,
        Let's work on this!

-Another Guy who will write software for those fucking robots to replace dumb humans

Comment Cortuna, when my wife calls... (Score 1) 65

be sure and put her on permanent hold and then we'll say I was being romantic and shit. Also, erase all my browser history and my login to FarmerMadison.com where I routinely cheat on my cow with someone else's cow. After that you can just erase yourself, Cortuna. I already have talky-G-searchy and if I get sick of her I have Siri, so donotwant you.

Comment Re:Today in euphemisms... (Score 1) 65

Also, please be sure and use a single password across all your systems for ease of use, good customer! Better yet, do not lock your devices at all! This shows you are not hiding anything from the "good corporations" that have taken over our government. A password implies that you are up to no good. This is a fact. #hashtag

Comment Re:Shipping costs (Score 1) 107

I think he was saying that a tiny USB PacMan light is going to be so small as to not actually cost $7 to ship it. It should be about $3 or less. The prices are already marked up so fucking high I can see up Ms. PacMan's skirt, they can afford to let a couple of small items ship for free. THIS is why I just look for stuff on ThinkGeek, then buy it on Amazon where the prices & shipping are not so fucking outrageous. There are a couple of assholes sellers on Amazon charging $18 to ship a fucking $7 item, but for the most part Amazon ships stuff for very little, or free. So take your $7 shipping box and STUFF IT!!1!

Submission + - Audi Claims First Synthetic Gasoline Made From Plants (gizmag.com)

Zothecula writes: Just weeks after producing its first batch of synthetic diesel fuel made from carbon dioxide and water, Audi has laid claim to another synthetic, clean-burning and petroleum-free fuel called "e-benzin." The fuel was created by Audi's project partner Global Bioenergies, in France.

Comment Re:Force his hand..."Sue me! Sooner than later..." (Score 4, Interesting) 379

Is this "evil student" charging, or making ad revenue, for views of said photos? Is the lighting on campus somehow owned by the school district and they forgot to charge for it? Just have some CS students wipe out the principal's iPhone, and he'll have something more important to do than not understand Fair Use media.

I'd say put them under a password and then not offer them to the yearbook crew. Everyone copyright your memory! Let's copyright old cigarette butts and empty bags of potato chips! IP is IP!

Comment Re:RTFA (Score 1) 3

Settle down, this article isn't yet posted and you already made a jackass out of yourself. You made the same mistake and missed the 10^-21 bit. Fucking smooth. Now pipe down and get ready for the holiday weekend where you can cook a giant 2m hotdog and swim in someone else's pee

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