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Comment The State of Oregon has failed at many IT projects (Score 2) 163

I've worked on several fiascoes that the State of Oregon has tried to build over the last 30 years and they always end up as fiascoes. Motor vehicles, child support system, a consolidated database of Oregon state welfare recipients. They all failed for one reason. Oregon State workers are a bunch of lazy, incompetent, featherbedding incompetents.

They take off on sick leave for days at a a time without even notifying their bosses. Are promoted based on minority or gender status instead of competence, sit at their desks all day doing nothing but go to meetings coffee breaks and lunch, and have such a strong union that they can't be fired no matter how bad they are.

I don't bother working for them any more as every big project turns to shit because the workers don't care. They are FAR, FAR worse than federal workers who at least know how to effectively hand off the real work to competent contractors. Oregon State employees can't even manage that trick.

Comment Nonsense (Score 1) 391

HTML5 has all sorts of client side processing and XML is sent back and forth between servers and clients in a blizzard of unnecessary tags.

If REST is so fucking obvious why were so many web apps written that weren't RESTful?

Comment Re:You think programming's bad? (Score 1) 391

On the contrary, sometimes a bottom up approach to a problem is the best method to discover all of the little nooks and crannies of incompleteness inherent in the specification. And believe me, ALL specifications are incomplete.

You critics are nothing but idiot rookies.

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