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Comment Re:The future always seems to get confirmed. (Score 1) 70

Confirmation and Survivorship bias.

Also known as Evolution. People who insist on acting like rabid werewolves whenever given a chance are slowly but surely being selected out, both from the gene pool and online communities (memetics). The world is getting better because Nazis and their ilk always end up getting themselves killed due to the spirit of their ideology ultimately being that of death.

The thing is, as soon as life emerged it's preferences became a part of the fitness function in Survival of the Fittest; and for us self-aware beings that comes down to what we want. Since most of us don't want to be abused and miserable, we don't associate with people who make us so, thus selection pressure is now set against the nastier aspects of human nature. As such, they're living on borrowed time, doomed to disappear.

Submission + - Trump Blames Google for Returning Fake News Results, Hints It May Be Illegal (

eldavojohn writes: Our glorious leader has discovered that Google's algorithm is quite powerful in determining what is in the public zeitgeist. It appears that this morning, our flawless stable genius took to Googling himself in order to determine how his public image is at all negative. And he seems to have discovered that it is Google's fault — and he's going to do something about it. There's clearly no other explanation explaining how news about Trump can be at all negative. All citizens who wish to be seen as American are instructed to now add Google to the Us Vs Them list in our auspiciously objective wonder chief has decreed in two tweets: "Google search results for “Trump News” shows only the viewing/reporting of Fake New Media. In other words, they have it RIGGED, for me & others, so that almost all stories & news is BAD. Fake CNN is prominent. Republican/Conservative & Fair Media is shut out. Illegal? 96% of results on “Trump News” are from National Left-Wing Media, very dangerous. Google & others are suppressing voices of Conservatives and hiding information and news that is good. They are controlling what we can & cannot see. This is a very serious situation-will be addressed!" This concludes your daily two minutes of morning moron. You may now return to good honest work, comrades, and remember who are the enemy of the people!

Submission + - Over 7,400 Android Devices Infected by New Monero-Mining Botnet (

An anonymous reader writes: A new botnet appeared over the weekend, and it's targeting Android devices by scanning for open debug ports so it can infect victims with malware that mines the Monero cryptocurrency. The botnet came to life on Saturday, February 3, and is targeting port 5555, which on devices running the Android OS is the port used by the operating system's native Android Debug Bridge (ADB), a debugging interface that grants access to some of the operating system's most sensitive features.

Only devices running the Android OS have been infected until now, such as smartphones, smart TVs, and TV top boxes, according to security researchers from Qihoo 360's Network Security Research Lab [Netlab] division, the ones who discovered the botnet, which the named ADB.miner. The botnet has been extremely aggressive and has grown each day, exhibiting a worm-like behavior, with infected devices scanning the Internet for other victims.

Currently, Netlab has detected ADB.miner scans coming from nearly 7,400 unique IP addresses, based on public data collected by Netlab's Scanmon system. Most IP addresses scanning for other devices (meaning they are already infected) are located in China (~40%) and South Korea (~30%). Yiming told Bleeping Computer that the botnet has mostly infected "TV-related" devices, rather than smartphones.

Comment Re:The opposite is true (Score 1) 531

Editorial bias is one thing, blatantly burying a major news story(WikiLeaks) because it doesn't fit the agenda is equal to being "fake news site". Oh sure, they ran a one or two minute piece once, but TRUMP IS A RACIST runs for 38 minutes every night.

There is bias (accidental unintentional) and then there is rigged reporting. Calling it bias is ... cute..

Accurate reporting on the sayings and doings of deplorable people tend to make them seem deplorable. It's not the fault of news outlets, mainstream or otherwise, that the right chose to rally behind a racist demagogue.

Comment Re:Precisely (Score 1) 531

When people decide they're only going to trust news from sources that we know make up stories (and repeat stories from similar sites), how do you prove anything to be a lie?

You can't cure wilful self-deception, but reality will, once the problem gets bad enough. Of course, since we now have nukes it could well be there's nobody left to dig themselves out of the ashes.

Comment Re:MPAA, RIAA and Big Pharma (Score 4, Interesting) 355

A very large segment of the population no logner cares if trump is good or bad, they are just sick of getting screwed by the politicians, and if trump ends up screwing them just like every other president in recent history, at least some of the elites are likely to take it in the shorts as well. Its the scorched earth mentality, and it is the logical result of 30+ years of policy that favors the wealthy at everyone elses expense.

They're tired of elites, so they elect a guy who flies around in a literal gold-plated private jet plane. They're tired of getting screwed, so they elect a professional conman. And they're tired of the wealthy getting everything, so they protest and condemn as socialism every attempt to equalize incomes or provide basic services, such as Obamacare, to the less wealthy.

You ever wonder if maybe there's a reason nobody much cares what these jackasses want?

Comment Re:odd--- (Score 1) 239

More like engineers are move devoted to their technology than to whomever happens to employ them at any given time.

Or their careers. Time spent becoming expert in a system that's not used anywhere else is time not spent becoming expert in stuff that might be needed in your next job. Getting locked in to your employer is very risky and has little if any benefit.

Comment Re:against traditional American values (Score 2) 228

The traditional American value of getting ahead by hard work and grit is completely opposed to this sort of genetic pre-disposition.

Unfortunately, that value is at odds with the capitalist value of getting ahead by any means available no matter the consequences to anyone else. So you'd better hope that DNA testing won't give any measurable advantage, otherwise it'll be yet another lock in your chains.

Comment Re:Legal maneuvers are ... legal! (Score 1) 843

Rich people are mobile, and so is their money. Change the laws enough and they all leave your country and take most of the wealth with them.

Money is mobile, wealth isn't. A rich person can leave, but they can't take a factory with them. They'll have to sell it. All that leaves the country is dollars, and all those can do is give an economic stimulus when they come back to buy American goods and services.

Comment Re:Meh. (Score 1) 843

(While I disagree with Mark Levin on term limits, and on Trump, his Liberty Amendments book lays out a solid plan for bringing the federal government back under the control of the states. Most relevant here are: The amendment to require an affirmative vote for approval of new regulations, and the amendment to give the states veto power over Supreme Court decisions.)

You do realize this gives the states the ability to simply ignore your rights?

Comment Re:Executes more code but runs faster ? (Score 1) 531

But that only matters if programmers do add their own checks. Evidently in reality most do not.

And therefore the idea that the problem is some programmers not the language, the craftsman not the tool.

If a tool doesn't fit my hand, it's a bad tool. If a tool doesn't fit human intuition and tendencies, it's a bad tool. Tools are here to assist humans, not the other way around, and have no inherent value of their own, just their utility, thus any mismatch between a tool and a user is a problem with the tool, especially when "user" is actually "most users".

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