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Comment Re:Maybe, Maybe not... (Score 5, Informative) 441

"But you know what - it's not resisting arrest or assault if there's nothing to arrest you for!"

Actually (IANAL) -

What do I do if I am arrested?

If you are arrested, submit to the law enforcement officer. Do not resist, even if you are innocent. Your innocence does not make the arrest illegal as long as the officer has conformed to the requirements of a legal arrest. If you resist, even if you are innocent of the charges for which you are arrested, you could be charged with resisting arrest. If the officer does not conform to the requirements of a legal arrest, you should still allow yourself to be taken into custody without resistance. If this happens, you may be entitled to bring an action against the law enforcement officer for false arrest.

Comment Re:Wow. What a load of crap. (Score 4, Informative) 470

One clarification: in my last paragraph, I implied that I was upset with people on the Wine mailing list. That was poorly written on my part; my anger is almost entirely directed at the original poster. Max has written some nifty code. Alexandre won't take it, for reasons that most folks are clear on. So folks are working to find ways to make that code available for folks to try. That's all good; it in fact makes good pressure for getting it done 'right', and makes it a great tool to test the usefulness of a DIB engine. So it's all good, and healthy, and for this to somehow be spun up the way it was really bugged me.


Comment Wow. What a load of crap. (Score 5, Informative) 470

I find this story spin deeply offensive and highly misleading.

Let's start at the bottom, because that's the one that offends me so mightily. My blog is pointed to, with a caption 'adverse commercial agenda'. In that self same blog post, I refer to the energy we put into the DIB engine - I paid Huw to work on the DIB engine for six months. In fact, CodeWeavers has had the highly unenviable job of doing the long, hard dirty jobs that no one else wants to do, because they're not fun. (Can you say "COM", boys and girls). CodeWeavers contributes all of its patches to Wine first, and if you look at the top contributors to the Wine project throughout its lifetime, you will find a stunning number of CodeWeavers people. I find it personally insulting to the many people at CodeWeavers that have worked so very hard on Wine, often for very little pay, to imply that we have an evil agenda. We don't. We do want to make a living. We do put our customers ahead of shills on mailing lists. We do sometimes focus on making CrossOver better for specific tasks, but at all times our core mission remains making Wine better.

The proposed 'wonder' patch is based upon solid work by Jesse Allen, along with some of the work we paid Huw to do. And, in fact, it does some nifty things, because the author went after the fun cool part of the task, and ignored the long, hard, nasty part of the task. Indeed, the author repeatedly refuses to consider Alexandre's requirements for doing it right. Max has not 'satisfied all requirements set'. In fact, if you read this post, you'll see that Max has no interest in implementing the DIB Engine in the fashion that Alexandre has requested - it's too much work.

Wine has come a long way in the past 8-10 years - anyone who has used Wine lately can tell you how amazing it is becoming. This is largely driven by the ever increasing standard that Alexandre is using - the bar for patches, particularly against stable and well tested code - is becoming very high. This is a Good Thing (TM).

And finally, up to the top, this phrase is troubling: 'the dissatisfaction of core developers with the arbitrary project governance'. Once a year, the core Wine developers get together at WineConf. We often have a topic called 'Wine governance', where we have great fun lampooning Alexandre. (He certainly is terse, and can be incredibly maddening). But the overwhelming and unanimous consensus, year over year, is that he does a damn fine job and that the Wine project is lucky to have him.

Change that to be 'the dissatisfaction of a bunch of vocal people on the mailing list, who don't really understand the technical issues at hand, but think they're missing out on a cool shiny' and now you have an accurate statement.



Comment Emergency? (Score 1) 859

And what do you do in case of an emergency? There are actually good, justifiable reasons for ignoring the posted speed limit at times, and without the user being able to kill the kill switch I know I wouldn't want it anywhere near my vehicle... and following that logic, if the user *is* given a opt-out of sorts for the kill switch how will it ever enforce itself? So you end up with either a) people not being able to speed in certain times that truly necessitate it or b) having a completely useless governor on the vehicle. Great options....

Submission + - Compromised Server?

kneemoe writes: "Reading the recent ssh/botnet articles made me search through our own logs, and it appears I've found some compromised servers trying to gain access to ours.... How should I go about informing the SysAdmin of said server that there may be something wrong with their machine? Should an email to root@IP.OF.OFFENDING.SERVER be enough?"

Comment Re:Some of the complaints here are laughable. (Score 2, Insightful) 421

and if, instead of pirating said content, i'm doing it legitimately - like say HD streaming with Miro on top of maybe watching all my tv episodes via a site like nothing illegal, but by streaming HD and possibly downloading a *single* linux distro DVD/month I could go over said limits.
not that I think it should be an unlimited data plan, the infrastructure can't handle that... but I'm just saying, it's not as hard as you think, especially when you can stream HD these days...

Submission + - Wine 1.0 Released! (

Volanin writes: The Wine team is proud to announce that Wine 1.0 is now available. This is the first stable release of Wine after 15 years of development and beta testing. Many thanks to everybody who helped us along that long road!

While compatibility is not perfect yet, thousands of applications have been reported to work very well. Check to see the details for your favorite applications.

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