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Comment "Singled out are unboxing videos" (Score 1) 92

A while back our children discovered videos that are so called unboxing videos. It is unclear to me what the exact revenue source is, but there are videos that are nothing but a set of hands opening surprise eggs for an hour (not an exaggeration - we're talking about a literal hour long video of hands opening up a big pile of surprise eggs, and there are many like it). Now, is this disturbing? Yes, absolutely. What is even more disturbing is that the advertisement has become the content.

That being said, I think the fact that many of these videos have 1 million plus views indicates that parents are ok with their children watching this.

I think the moral of the story is that if you don't want your children watching ads, then don't let them watch youtube, or at least careful curate for them.

I do not blame Youtube or Google for this though.

Comment Flash (Score 1) 169

What are the stats/predictions these days as to how long a flash drive will last? If you had a quality flash drive you could stick it in the time capsule along with netbook or some other small sized player. It doesn't seem that unreasonable for our grid to still be on 120V in 100 years.

Comment Re:Implement locally? (Score 2) 145

It is probably the cost thing.

In the US it generally doesn't cost either party any money once you pay the flat monthly rate for the telephone line, which can be had for pretty cheap.

So it's a tradeoff, really - it is nice to be able to make calls across the country without thinking about the cost. On the other hand, it lowers the bar for telemarketers.

Comment Re:R wont run on linux soon (Score 1) 105 also states that "R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. It is a GNU project which is similar to the S language and environment which was developed at Bell Laboratories (formerly AT&T, now Lucent Technologies) by John Chambers and colleagues." So obviously the GNU project itself doesn't do a lot of actual development, though I would expect that they provide some administrative support in some form (perhaps in similar manner that the FSF does for many open source projects).

Comment Re:More stuff done (Score 1) 112

I think there's that, and the possibility of mistakes made by lack of visual differentiation. We have a social network at work, but there is no opportunity for confusion - it doesn't look anything like If Facebook and Facebook at Work are visually similar I suspect there will be at least one case where somebody mixes up destinations accidentally.

Comment Re: Exactly this. (Score 4, Informative) 294

I assume he wasn't being us specific as the article sure wasn't. I work on a remote team that spanned, at one point six timezones - a guy in Australia, a team in China, a team in SV and a few others scattered among the other three north american timezones. It certainly had its challenges.

I think it is especially difficult for a preexisting company to start thinking remote, and that is probably the real problem. The org is very head office centric and so many meetings start in a room and remote people get added in either part way through or after the pleasantries have taken place. They don't think to introduce people in the room so on the remote end all you hear is voices going back and forth at varying volumes depending on how far away the person is from the mic. If a couple of people in the room start having a person to person chat amongst themselves (not private but where the in room attendees are spectators and can listen in) then you are almost guaranteed to be SOL because they end up speaking quickly and don't enunciate as much and they don't speak as loud. If you are in the room you can jump in if you have something to add (probably using body language to indicate you want to add something) but you're lost very quickly if you are in the phone.

Comment Re:False. No different from other bookselling sche (Score 1) 250

Partly true, perhaps, but not entirely. Good authors write books that result in people spending more money on books. In the 'traditional' model, there are two ways to grow:

1. Get existing customers to buy more books
2. Get new customers to start buying more books

This 'new' model removes growth source #1 because revenue doesn't increase if a customer reads more books - they've already paid their dues.

On the other hand, it has the potential to increase growth of #2, because in the 'new' model you can't lend a book to a friend after you've finished reading it. They have to subscribe themselves and pay in their dues.

Comment Re:Think about this when... (Score 1) 69

No, except that in many cases the impact of failure begins to be comparable. It would be interesting to see data though on:

1. How many times auto pilot makes enough of a mistake to cause loss of life
2. How many times anti lock brakes fail and result in an accident that wouldn't have occurred without them
3. How many times a surgery robot fails and causes a patient to die, or necessitates drastic action on part of the supervising surgeon
4. How many times a pacemaker fails in an unexpected way causing damage to the user

The point was that if twitter goes down, then a bunch of people have to go somewhere else to get their social media fix and some businesses lose a medium on which to attempt to launch a viral ad campaign.

If somebody botches it up, it's a bit of lost revenue.

Somehow, autopilot software has been designed robustly enough such that:
1. You don't hear of a lot of severe accidents resulting from bugs in auto pilot software
2. Airlines find them reliable enough such that they continue to allow their pilots to use it

Thus, they have somehow managed to design such that there are no tiny bugs that cause huge problems.

Comment Slashdot as usual - misleading summary (Score 5, Insightful) 218

Some commenters are ridiculing how people were 'outraged' from the year in review. But if you look at the actual article by Eric ( - and note the title -'inadvertent algorithmic cruelty' it is much more an analysis of the design of the feature and applying human sensitivity to software design. His closing statement is 'If I could fix one thing about our industry, just one thing, it would be that: to increase awareness of and consideration for the failure modes, the edge cases, the worst-case scenarios.'

It wasn't a rant against Facebook. It wasn't a 'woe is me, Facebook ruined my life'. It was a post about how Facebook's design has an affect on him that they probably weren't going for.

Had it not been Eric Meyer, I would imagine there would have been no public apology, though perhaps just a rethink of the design.

There wasn't really even a demand that Facebook change anything. But if you're Facebook, you might consider how many others are in a similar situation that Eric is in and are confronted by uncomfortable images. It isn't good business to have people made uncomfortable, unhappy or pained by your product.

Similar to if they had accidentally had Goatse show up in everybody's feed. Even if nobody complained, you are still going to lose at least some customers because it makes the experience unpleasant.

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