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Comment Re:Not GPL (Score 1) 333

No, one guy has interpreted the MS terms to come to that conclusion without explaining why. I can see nothing in the MS terms that would disallow GPL, but I do see terms that explicitly allow GPL as it is an OSI approved license.

So I ask you, why can GPL not be used?

Comment Re:Bah! (Score 1) 695

It's rising about a foot per century at the moment, so hopefully it wont start rapidly rising. Looks like you'll need to do something though in the next century I guess yet I have no doubt you can rise to the task. Your engineers have risen to every challenge so far, and it's a marvel of the modern age. If any country should give it's trust to science and engineering, and be confident in mitigating any danger it's you guys, you do it so well.

Comment Re:Support them from your own money (Score 2) 666

Why get it when CentOS fits the bill perfectly? Apart from the GP's rationale, it's also helping to build the profile and perception of CentOS if a major CIO advocates it. Congratulations are in order to the CentOS team for their great work, the fact it was even considered let alone requested is a testament to their excellence. Bravo.

Comment Re:Global warming is a lie! (Score 1) 276

So, pray tell, if physicists can't comment on climate science, why is the APS releasing statements about it in the first place, especially ones with such unscientific terms? Nothing in science is incontrovertible, the scientific method requires that any and all theorems can and should be questioned.


Submission + - On the Seventh Day, he logged off (

beaverdownunder writes: Our constant connectivity is a unique feature of the modern age — internet and mobiles have removed much of the time and distance that was once a part of our lives.

But there is a growing trend toward technology Sabbaths — perhaps a weekend off Twitter, a week without Facebook, or a day sans smart phone.

American writer William Powers, his wife and their son started doing an "internet Sabbath" every weekend more than four years ago.

"We basically decided we were being pulled apart from each other by our internet time and our addiction to the screen," he told ABC News Online.

At first, Powers found it hard to stop going online and he cheated a few times — once to catch the end of a movie, another because a hurricane was forecast to hit their town — but he persevered.

"It was like an existential crisis — we didn't know who we were anymore. My nine-year-old son had moments of tears," he said.

"It continued to be hard for about six more weekends, and then it became routine and normal and we began to notice the benefits."


Submission + - "Aussie Mafia" strikes it rich in Silicon Valley (

beaverdownunder writes: They're known as the "Aussie mafia" making some big waves in Silicon Valley — and now the serial entrepreneurs want to bring more of their countrymen along for the ride.

Australians have taken the US tech hub by storm and while many of their big payouts have been kept secret, between them they have hauled in hundreds of millions of dollars through investments and acquisitions in just a few years.

Read more:

Comment Re:seriously..? (Score -1) 542

Calling carbon a pollutant, well mislabelling CO2 as carbon and then calling it a pollutant is far more disingenious. You may as well call the ecosystem the carbonsystem. To say that addition of carbon dioxide to the environment is bad for life on earth relies entirely on 100 year predictions of temperature and has nothing to do with any biological fact.

Comment Re:seriously..? (Score 1) 542

Well you breath in ~400 ppm CO2 and breath out ~4000ppm CO2, so I guess it's TEN TIMES BACKGROUND LEVELS!!!

It's almost as if every molecule of every living creature contains carbon which was once atmospheric CO2. You - yes YOU - are made of the flesh of the animal made from the fruit of the plant made from the sunlight and CO2. Your entire body is a carbon footprint, a carbon spewing machine. Please turn yourself in to the nearest recycling centre.

Comment Re:First! (Score 2) 542

There's more reason to question clean energy than that strawman though. Alternatives to gas and coal are expensive and difficult. Realistically solar and wind can only ever provide a fraction of what we need, hydro is regional and situational and has its own environmental issues, as does nuclear, and many such as tidal, thorium and geothermal are a long way from being effective. The easiest way for a western economy to reduce their CO2 output today, right now, is to go nuclear or to build modern coal fired plants which are far cleaner burners than the existing installed base. Both of these options are polictically unpalatable to environmentalists though, so don't expect them to happen anytime soon.

Comment Re:Most of the Data is Freely Available (Score 1) 507

Yep, even skeptics agree that the world has been in a warming trend over the last 160 years, which is about the limit of the instrumental record in most places around the world. Problem is, 85% of mankinds CO2 contributions have happened in only the last 60 years, leaving 100 years of natural warming. All that is apparent is a natural trend continuing that existed before mankind could have possibly influenced events. In any case, CO2 is just one forcing among hundreds, and is easily eclipsed by H20. What's next, a ban on steam? Demonizing CO2, the giver of life, into pollution was the worst mistake the green movement has ever made.

I'm saddened that slashdot is so empty of a real scientific mindset. Since when was reproducing and verifying others experimentation anti-scientific instead of the very bedrock, the foundation of the scientific method?

Comment Re:Freedom is the price you pay (Score 2) 359

Yes, I'm saying military service carries with it an obedience to the state as the ultimate contract, and if that contract is broken the harshest penalties must apply. Anything else would create a weak and ineffectual military force, and there would be no more state. What he did to break that contract was moral in one respect yet immoral in his service to the state. Nobody forced him into that contract, but once it's taken and oaths are sworn you must uphold those oaths or face the consequence. There is no other way that I can concieve to retain a strong self-sustaining atate.

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