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Comment Re:Prison Time (Score 4, Insightful) 129

> problem with corporations is it more or less encourages people to break the law, since they end up bearing no legal responsibility.

I know to the guy on the street this seems irrelevant, but this is a major, major issue. It also is backed up by one of the worst pieces of doublethink that you have to believe in corporate culture.

CEO pay is through the roof, and in the US it's always "justified" by the amount of responsibility a CEO supposedly has in a company. However, every time there is a huge case of corporate malfeasance the CEO always claims that he/she had no knowledge of the lawbreaking. So which one is it: does the CEO take responsibility for the company or not?

The best example I know of this in modern life is Rick Scott. He was the CEO of a company that perpetrated the largest fraud in Medicare history. However (at least in the minds of the pro-corporate masses) he didn't even get a scratch on his reputation, let alone get indited for anything. It takes too many mental gymnastics for me to believe that his company's Medicare fraud did not personally enrich him.

To me this seems to be one of the worst societal problems we have to deal with right now. However no one even talks about it.

Comment Re:to be honest, we dont have farms anymore. (Score 1) 194

The modern food multinationals use his romantic notion of farming to their advantage every day. Look at their advertising.

We still give millions of dollars to fams because of that romantic notion. As usuall the corporate welfare goes to the guy in the CEO's office and not the guy in the overalls.

Comment Re:Can they actually secure content? (Score 1) 155

The problems with streamed TV have been more mental and legal rather than technical.

I am NOT trying to be a cheerleader for sling (Even though I've posted about it in this thread 3 times), but its roll out this week is a key event. The fact that cable TV channels have not played well with online TV up to this point and Dish/Sling have now broken that psychological barrier is a big deal. I think traditional cable tv is going to have a hard time keeping the 40 and younger set, and they'll lose the more technical savvy oldsters as well.

Comment Re:problem (Score 1) 155

No it's not. Apple TV content has always been limited when compared to more open devices like Roku. I've had a Roku since the days it ONLY had a Netflix app. Today it has hundred of channels. Plus it can do everything you mention in this post. Plus with this weeks Sling introduction in can already do some live TV.

Lockdown is a HUGE issue with any Apple product. If you already have been locked in to apple products then this new service might be worth it, but the better alternatives already exist.

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