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Comment Re: How about mandatory felony sentences instead? (Score 1) 420

What I am, is someone who understands that you don't put innocent people in jail and mess up their lives out of FEAR. I know people who have been innocently caught in that "system", and it's a bloody nightmare.

Innocent? How are they innocent?

These people kill 17,941 or innocent people per year, and you think putting them in jail is wrong?

Tell me what your real agenda is.

Comment Re:How about mandatory felony sentences instead? (Score 1) 420

I really don't think that'll help, mainly because those that are already intoxicated are already not of sound-mind and are not thinking about penalties

Um, people aren't drunk 24/7. All intoxicated individuals were, at one point, sober individuals who were of sound-mind and should have been thinking about the consequences of their actions. That they chose not to consider the consequences of their actions is no reason to let drunks get a free pass to do whatever, as you appear to be implying.

This is especially true if they are repeat offenders. A person who gets drunk for the first time might be excused for acting out, but an experienced drunk should know how to make decisions while still sober.

Comment Re:They're assholes. (Score 1) 336

Perhaps because they are not those assholes, as you imply?

They could have done much more harm with access to credit card information, like transfering money to many dubious locations.

So they just gave you time to think about your game consumption, and the opportunity to think about the "silent" in silent night.

The burglar only stole half my stuff. Must be an ok guy.

Comment Re:Move to a gated community (Score 1) 611

What about those of us who don't work for the local McDonalds?

For those of us with a career many of our employers only have one premises per city, so choosing an office close to home is not an option. Neither is buying a new house every time you switch jobs. Your suggestion is not workable.

Comment Re:My predictions (Score 1) 267

Assuming he has any recollection of his childhood. I would assume turning to the darkside repressed thing like memory, certainly happy memories at least.

Even if he did recognise them, why would he care? They carry no real significance to him as he was already aware of Obi-wan and Luke's presence.

Comment Re:no, they don't Re:Fines work better ... (Score 1) 326

Although again as the offenders far more often than not are getting everything they need from their parents, confiscation won't do much but prevent them from sending messages for the next 24 hours or so.

These are people who can't go for 10 minutes without texting. Think what 24hours will do.

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