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Comment Re:What an over sensationalist title (Score 1) 899

A little of both? (---That was only a little lighthearted sarcasm in case you didn't catch it.)

The funny thing is that a good portion of OUR oppressors are of the very same ilk as the person that you claim is helping you. "They" don't care about you and are never going to help you unless it benefits "them".

But please, elaborate on your oppression. I am keen to hear about it.

Comment Re:I think this is a good thing (Score 1) 386

And I will point out that the government has already told me that I must wear a seat belt and that my children must be in child safety seats IF I want to drive.

Actually, it's quite likely the government told you that they will fine you and/or confiscate your children IF you drive them around without child safety seats.

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