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Comment Speaking as a former yearbook adviser (Score 5, Insightful) 379

This guy would be -any- yearbook adviser's dream to have. Look at his photos...they're incredible. He gets in close to his subject, captures the action vividly, and makes very good use of lighting. And for a sophomore? Simply amazing.

This district is handling the situation all wrong. Regardless of whether or not they can or cannot make a claim to the ownership of the photos, they should be lifting this young man up for the talent he has and putting him on a pedestal. Enter him into national photography competitions. Get national recognition for his work, and put the trophies in your trophy case. And make him proud of his talent. He deserves it.

Suing him? Simply ridiculous.

Comment Re:stable (Score -1, Offtopic) 226

It's more rational than "omg it's not actually stable it eats your data!" OpenBSD had an exploitable flaw in X11 for like 26 years; Microsoft has been in the spotlight enough that we've seen this dozens of times, security, data loss, that whole thing called Windows ME... What do you want to compare to?

Comment Re:Tolls? (Score 1) 837

The question is how long you can go without maintenance and repair--what's the cost over time?

It's like when you hit someone's parked car and they make your insurance pay to fix their fucked-up door, but the door had already been smashed in by them hitting a fire hydrant 2 years prior. How much more damage did you really do? Well, okay, a lot. How much more cost did you add to the repair? None. Why should you have to pay for it? Largely, because you're a shitty driver.

It doesn't make sense to me to claim that drivers of big vehicles causing big damage to roads should be proportionally more responsible for the damage they cause, rather than the usage they make, when much of the damage is unmitigated wear and tear--when the road takes its greatest damage from freeze-thaw cycles. If 10% of the damage is caused by vehicle traffic--that is, if the amortized cost-per-year is only 90% as much with no traffic as it is with traffic--then 10% of the cost should be scaled based on traffic damage, and the other 90% is most fair scaled to bulk usage.

Of course, scaling for bulk usage is stupid, too. It makes the percentage of income paid toward road maintenance higher for lower-income users.

Comment Re:Tolls? (Score 1) 837

Than again, all-electric vehicles don't pay a dime for road maintenance. Maybe a per-mile charge is better.

Then you get better public transit infrastructure, or someone builds a valuable economic center (shopping mall, big office park) near a major population area, and people flat-out drive less.

I argue for a Citizen's Dividend funded by a flat 17% income tax on all business and individual income. By comparison, Social Security is funded by a separate OASDI tax of 6.2%, plus 6.2% payroll, capped on $117k income. What happens when wealth distribution changes? What happens when we have inflation, and the sheer amount of income below $117k is proportionally less than the amount above $117k? What happens when the tax on wage workers drives their wage demand up along with that 6.2% payroll that the business pays, and so labor is more expensive, and so they pay for more expensive management strategies (e.g. implement cellular manufacture, better project management, or automation) to reduce the number of employees and the amount they pay them?

The same thing is happening with roads as with a cap-and-dividend--another scheme some UBI advocates propose, in which we'd tax, e.g., pollution, and pay the tax revenue out to everyone equally. What happens when they switch to solar energy? What happens when people stop driving their cars as much? What happens when they get more efficient cars? What happens when they get electric cars? The weather and asshole plant roots do more damage to the roads than your tires, even if nobody ever drives on them.

Fuel taxes become per-mile taxes because people get more efficient cars. Per-mile taxes fail because people drive less thanks to positive economic factors (localized business, mass transit availability) and evasive behavior (moped ebike, which require no registration). What then?

Taxes on individual activities are also regressive, just as taxes on business are business-target. Taxing factory pollution output? I guarantee you I don't output 2.4 metric tonnes of coal-source CO2 per hour. Taxing liquor per liter of alcohol? I guarantee you a rich man will die of alcohol poisoning after just as much alcohol in one day as a poor man; it'll cost the same in taxes; and the rich man will have much less of his income taxed by the alcohol tax. Driving is the same: a rich man with $25,000,000 yearly income will not drive 2000 times as many miles as a poor man with $12,000--that's 24 million miles of driving, a thousand trips around the earth's circumference, or lapping the earth 2.7 times per day.

Taxing per driven mile means the rich man will be taxed a lower percentage of his income than a poor man, while any habitual behavior which reduces number of miles driven will reduce the income from this tax.

Comment Re:Stupid (Score 1) 387

Yeah, but that breaks down in two primary situations: when you're in a hall with 1000 people, and when you're working remotely with 10 or 15 people who all have access to draw on a virtual whiteboard and thus need to be herded like cats.

Other graphical tools require more forethought, and so do important meetings with large project groups spread across wide geographical areas. At a point, the whiteboard isn't even a feasible tool, because spot-generation of more than a tiny fragment of the information you're exchanging is going to draw out your meeting into an unending mess of poorly-communicated ideas. That particular problem starts developing just slightly before the whiteboard ceases to be a feasible tool by its own nature: the whiteboard stops being an efficient tool before it ceases to be an effective tool.

You need to start bringing graphical diagrams and slideshows, models, and whatnot. Plan the meeting agenda ahead of time, distribute it, and make sure people have the information they're presenting ready. If it's a 20 minute meeting with 4 people in the same room and nothing complex to cover, get a white board; if it's a 20 minute meeting with 4 people on an online meeting, use a virtual whiteboard; if you have 12 teams and 35 people, tell them to have their shit ready when they get there.

Comment Re:Stupid (Score 1) 387

Diagramming on a whiteboard remotely is a different problem. It's easily solved by pointing the camera at the whiteboard behind you, at least when you have 3 different people in 2 locations. When you have 27 locations and 150 people on the call, what then? A shared whiteboard that everyone fucks up completely in the first 15 seconds because there is not enough whiteboard space?

You quickly realize whiteboards are not the only graphical tool, and perhaps you should include some graphics designers on your project management team and have them help people prepare for meetings so they have PNG images to share and other graphical tools to use to share things. Come prepared with more than a magic marker.

Comment Re:Is it on the main download page? (Score 3, Insightful) 216

No, because putty is ballsacks that can't be properly scripted, uses weird key files that need special conversion (it doesn't use an openssh key, but a putty identity key that you can convert to openssh using another program), and handles all kinds of terminal interactions in such a wrong way that you may as well be using Microsoft Word with a VB script to send commands across ssh. Start in a real terminal, where 27 sessions is C-a " instead of "oh fuck which alt-tab icon is it?!"

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