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The Internet

Submission + - MySpace and Skype Hook Up on IM/Voice Chat (

babooo404 writes: MySpace and Skype will announce a deal on Wednesday which will bring the Skype chat/voice client to MySpace and the MySpace IM client. What about the business model? That's easy — premium services from Skype (voicemail/international calling) to integrate into their MySpace profiles and IM. CenterNetworks believes this hookup is a one night stand.
The Internet

Submission + - Disney to Buy Club Penguin for $350 million (

babooo404 writes: Disney has announced plans to acquire Club Penguin for $350 million in cash plus another potential $350 million if certain revenue targets are met. Founded by three Canadian fathers in late 2005, Club Penguin has quickly rocketed to prominence by offering kids the ability to customize their own virtual penguin in an online community. Armed with their penguin avatars, kids can chat with friends, play games and earn coins to buy items such as furnishings for their igloo home.

Submission + - Breaking: Google to Acquire Postini for $625 milli (

babooo404 writes: Just in from Google HQ — news that Google has acquired Postini for $625 million. Postini has 300 employes and handles message security, archiving, encryption, and policy enforcement. Postini will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Google and the deal should close by the end of the 3rd quarter 2007. More information on the deal.
The Internet

Submission + - Calacanis launches new human directory.. SEO play?

babooo404 writes: Jason Calacanis has launched his new search engine/directory called "Mahalo" this afternoon. While called a search engine, it is more of a human directory whereby his paid human robots will look for content about the top 10k search topics (plus other friends and important people) and show full wiki-pages about them. Check out the full review which I must say is quite critical about the service.

The Man Who Owns the Internet 369

Tefen writes "CNN Money posted this story about Kevin Ham, who has made a fortune gobbling up lapsed domain names and has recently launched a lucrative business partnership with Cameroon, the country which controls the .cm TLD. Since 2000 he has quietly cobbled together a portfolio of some 300,000 domains that, combined with several other ventures, generate an estimated $70 million a year in revenue."

Submission + - goes "all-in" in the battle agains

babooo404 writes:, the search engine to the stars has decided to go " all-in " vs. Google by creating absolutely insane advertisements, spending tens of millions of dollars on a campaign that no one will get. Allen attempts to break down why this is a bad move for Ask and offers 5 suggestions for Ask to help them get to superpower status. The best suggestion is his idea to have Ask get bloggers and web content sites to change their default search engines to Ask for monetary compensation.

Submission + - More on bulletproof vests

el_flynn writes: You thought that polythylene was cool? The Star Malaysia is reporting on a bulletproof vest made out of coconut husk and fibreglass! The invention, which bagged a gold at the 35th Geneva International Exhibitions of Inventions, New Techniques and Products last April, had taken two years to invent, and claims to be able to stop a 9mm bullet at a 5m range. The extra benefits are its weight and cost — it claims to be up to 5 or 6 kilograms lighter than conventional, Kevlar-based jackets, and can be produced at a fraction of the cost.

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"Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra and then suddenly it flips over, pinning you underneath. At night, the ice weasels come." --Matt Groening
