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Comment Re:OOOK (Score 1) 1061

Historical facts?

Point me to some documentary (i.e. not hearsay) evidence for gas chambers, and I'll revise my position.

Until then, all I see is Soviet propaganda taken as convenient evidence, and an apparently random number of 6 million bandied about willy nilly.

So there's no great difference, sorry.

Comment Re:OOOK (Score 1) 1061

Well I'm fairly sceptical of the gas-chamber claims for the 'Holocaust', and if I were to voice my doubts in certain European countries I can be jailed for 'holocaust denial', although I have never seen any proof of the existence of gas chambers.

But then that's different, isn't it?

Comment Re:God, you fucking apologists! (Score 1) 644

Well, if the people doing the shelling were being "all but completely" starved by my government's actions, I might consider a point of view that differs from your Zionist apologia.

But then again you're a Zionist shill whose comments on this thread show you to be abusive as well as stupid, so I guess you'll just carry on in your delusions.

Comment Re:correction (Score 1) 644

Palestinians who fuel this conflict want ALL Jews dead, even if they are not in Israel.

No - most Palestinians would be happy to be left alone and given the opportunity to develop as a state.

The only Jews that aren't in Israel that most Palestinians object to are the settlers - they have no right to be on the occupied land, and until this is remedied there can never be peace.

The fact of the matter is that the Palestinians elected Hamas, and the continuing failure of the international community to engage the duly elected Palestinian government, along with the encouragement of the traditionally corrupt Fatah movement and the Israeli blockade of Gaza has led us to the point where Hamas are sending unsophisticated short range rockets against a few Israeli towns, causing very few casualties.

I wonder, myself, how ignorant you have to be to support Israel - their approach of isolating Hamas, supported by the major Western powers, has led directly to the current situation.

The sooner the US stops supporting Israel the better - a full withdrawal to 1967 borders including the dismantling of the West Bank settlements must be a precondition of peace in Palestine, whether Zionist occupied or not.

Comment Re:The US and US flags (Score 1) 622


Those cars, though built by a German company, are actually made in Cowley, Oxford.

Just sayin'

If you want to see lots of St George's cross flags, try visiting the white parts of the old industrial towns around North Manchester - it's a statement up there, much like the Confederate flag is a statement in the Southern US.

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