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Comment Re:Neither (Score 1) 379

Let me make you a car analogy, since that's so popular around here:
"Flying cars. Until they are finalized, I luckily don't require any of the features these two old modes of transportation (flying and driving) have."

Yes I know, this is flawed... a flying car can fly AND drive, for which you currently need and airplane and a car (OK, terrafugia comes to mind), while flash and silverlight can do everything HTML5 can do, and can do it now.

Comment Re:To Answer Logistic Questions (Score 1) 911

While I generally support strict regulations prohibiting drinking and driving, I think no alcohol at all isn't practical. Alcohol is also used to prepare some meals. Most of it will be evaporated when cooking, but quite a few deserts also have alcohol in them.

Where I live the limit is 0.05% BAC. When you fail a breathalizer test (just shows safe or positive), you have to take a blood test to determine the amount of alcohol in your blood. The blood test can show up negative (in which case you're allowed to continue, no harm done), or confirm that you're actually above the limit. There's a different punishment for being in the 0.05% - 0.08% range, or higher.
* 0.05 - 0.08%: you're not allowed to drive for 3 hours, and you are fined
* > 0.08%: you're not allowed to drive for at least 6 hours, your license can be revoked (not the policeman's decision) for at least 15 days, and you can also serve some time in jail if it's serious enough.
If I'm not mistaken you can also ask to delay the breathalizer test for 15 minutes to get rid of any traces of alcohol in your mouth (mouth wash/you just drank something/...).

As far as I'm concerned, an ignition interlock would be perfectly acceptable for the 0.08%+ category, especially for repeat offenders or first offenders considerably over the 0.08% high limit.

If you're in an accident and you seriously hurt/killed someone, you'll very likely think 'what if...' no matter what you did. What if I had looked in that direction at that time, what if I hadn't filled up the tank first, what if I would have been driving a little slower, ...

Comment Re:The expense of the interlock... (Score 1) 911

2 hours to cover 7 miles?
Have you considered walking to your work... it may be faster.
Or there's this great invention... they call it a bicycle. 7 miles shouldn't take you more than 30 minutes, and if it does, get an electric assist. Saves you a lot of time (1 hour vs 2,5 hours) AND money (1200 - 1800 dollars buys you a nice electric assist bicycle I guess).

Comment Re:Mouse Over (Score 1) 273

Well, mouseover works on my laptop with a touchpad, so technically it should be possible to do it with a touch screen.
I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work. It could work like this (don't know if it does)
- Select the flash object
- drag = move mouse = mouseover
- tap = click
- tap + drag = hold and move

That's just how my trackpad works on my laptop (except for step one, which would be necessary on a mobile browser to distinguish between dragging to scroll the webpage and dragging to do mouseover on a flash app).

Comment Re:Calling it now (Score 1) 273

Let me guess... You're using OSX?
On my windows machines, I don't have any problems with:
- crashes because of flash ads
- my machine slowing to a crawl

I won't give an opinion on whose fault it is, but if Adobe succeeds in making flash run decently on windows machines (and linux?), then why is it such a problem on OSX?
I know Apple doesn't expose a few hooks required to use hardware acceleration for video (or has that changed?), so that might explain your computer's sluggishnes... but I guess that's nothing new for you.

Comment Re:Google shouldn't worry (Score 1) 418

I wouldn't really say that Google is in the business of making your private information public...
Sure, they gather as much information as they can, but they use it internally, to build an accurate profile of you, in order to increase the likelihood of you clicking on ads, since the profile helps them to show you relevant ads...
They want to know what you like, what you buy, where you are, ... to increase the chance of income from ad clicks. That way, the advertizers also tend to pay more per click, since a larger precentage of them is relevant (again, a win for Google).

As far as I'm concerned, showing relevant ads on web pages doesn't bother me. I remember the internet before most sites used Google Ads, with all the animated GIF and flash banners and I don't want to go back. Google doesn't (according to their privacy statement) share any personally identifiable information with third parties for their perusal, unless you initiate it (uploading photo's to a public web album, or sharing them, publishing/sharing google docs, ...).

Comment Re:LOL, What An Idiot (Score 3, Insightful) 305

Coming from nowhere, reaching the 3rd spot in a few years isn't something I would call bad by any means, especially when you're selling your phones at a premium, compared to some of other companies' offerings.

My guess is that the Android user base will be larger than that of the iPhone/iPad/iwhatever in the near future, in part due to the larger number of available devices and the variety that brings. However, I think iPhoneOS will remain popular, and a larger part of Android's growth will come from other smarphone operating systems...

Comment Re:Gone back to cooking ROMs - BAD!!! (Score 1) 305

The Hero never even made it to 1.6... Still works very well on 1.5 though, and when (or if) the 2.1 update finally comes, it should be even better.
The 'iPhone philosophy' with all phones (capable of) running the same version of the OS (albeit with a few functions disabled in v4 for some models) is an advantage. I hope the more modular updates that are promised for future android versions will remedy that issue.

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