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Comment Re:Where the fuck is Microvision? (Score 1) 156

No. That is their only consumer product a one dimensional version of one aspect of their primary original goal. The founding idea was a image projected directly on the retina using a mems and a LED or a low energy laser (can't remember the light source.) There were tests with dedicated fiber between Japan and WSU with multiple SGI workstations that were supposedly lifelike. They have shipped product to Honda for techs to have complicated manuals projected in the FOV for service and mfg. Also some military stuff but the website never said shit about it.

It is the best possible display. One pixel per optic nerve on the back of the retina, the retina is the projection surface.

Comment Not relevant to the web site (Score 3, Interesting) 118

Most of the Affordable Care Act has nothing to do with the web site. The site didn't have to implement those "2.8 million words of Obamacare regulations" as code: it only had to match patients up with insurance plans, which means interacting with dozens (hundreds?) of government and industry databases.

Some states, like California, managed to implement their sites without any of the problems of the federal exchange. The federal exchange mainly suffered from (1) being rushed, and (2) having to deal with a larger number of external systems than any single state exchange.

Comment Re:So, time to scrap TSA/airport security checks (Score 5, Interesting) 208

It is not naive the TSA is naive. If you want security you can have it by doing real security screening and not "security theater." Ask the Israelis about it some time. I flew out of Amsterdam the day after a scare, it was the first security screening I have ever had. Someone looked me dead in the eye and asked my why half of my passport was in Arabic. He looked at me, listened to me, and made a real judgment. It is all bullshit anyway post 9/11 everyone knows that even if the terrorists are able to kill 90% of the people of the plane they are still not going to be able to kill all the passengers plus the external target. By making the risk=damage*likelihood equation infinite they have closed that door for ever. Someone tries to hijack the plane I am on and I am reciting "we few, we happy few" and the then going to stomp those fuckers to death with evey other top level predator on the plane. I will feel bad if they cut the stewardess' throat but that is not going to stop me wrapping my coat around my forearm and pulling the handle out of my luggage and reminding him has he dies that I will bury him in pigskin with his feet pointing to Mecca.

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