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Comment Re:Next step to prevent PC piracy (Score 1) 795

You wanna know why there is so much piracy? it is because developers are retarded! As another poster recently said it is like the entire games industry has decided that Buggati roadsters are the ONLY way to go, and they are cranking out games that are $60+ in a world economy that is so dead I'm surprised peasant revolts aren't breaking out.

The developers of Machinarium are certainly not asking for much dollar wise for a game that, bang-per-buck, it's completely worth it.

A friend put me onto the game. She bought it specifically to play in Linux but found that it was missing from the CD version of the game.
She emailed the supplier, showed proof that it was purchased, and within a couple of hours was sent a download link.
That level of great customer service from an independent developer, plus how cool the game looks - I had my credit card out in seconds!

Comment Re:Mine was stolen and I got it back, here's how: (Score 1) 765

It's fantastic to see justice served anytime, especially if you were able to get some answers about past break-ins, retrieve more stolen goods etc. Also good to know that people listened and increased security levels and changed processes - a positive outcome. But if a stolen laptop was insured and could be encrypted and hardware locked, I would suspect most petty thefts would not be worth the efforts you went to, even if it doesn't seem like too much effort from your perspective.

And just to address irving47's comment ("leave the keys in the ignition as long as you have insurance.") - yes, sort of; it's more like those "honeypot" cars cops use to catch thieves, leaving the keys in but with a recording and tracking device installed. That way the scum you mention would get caught and punished but your real OS would be safe.

Submission + - Phantom Emails Plague iPhone 4 Users (

Stoobalou writes: iPhone 4 users have been reporting phantom emails appearing in their in boxes.

The mysterious mails, which appear with 'No Sender' in the from line and 'No subject' in the subject line are causing much annoyance as they cannot be read or deleted in the normal way.

Data Storage

Submission + - IBM botches IT storage repair, kills bank systems (

An anonymous reader writes: IBM personnel were blamed by a major Singapore bank after they reportedly botched a "routine" repair job on a disk storage subsystem, resulting in a seven-hour systems outage. The outage was apparently triggered during a repair job on a component within the disk storage subsystem connected to the bank's mainframe. IBM decided to swap out the offending component at 3am but an "oudated procedure" used by the repairer "inadvertently triggered a malfunction in the multiple layers of systems redundancies". The outage led to a gushing apology from the bank's chief executive overnight.

Comment Re:Mine was stolen and I got it back, here's how: (Score 2, Interesting) 765

Have to agree AC. With encryption and a good hardware level password, the stolen laptop would be almost useless to the thieves, even making it hard to sell it. The process would become more like/
1) Purchase new replacement from insurance process
2) Restore from a backup and move on!

If you _REALLY_ wanted to see "vigilante" style justice served in the case of such thefts, partition the drive as follows. One partition is a securely encrypted OS that you use. The other is Windows. Set the default to automatically boot Windows and load it up with backdoors, keyloggers, automatic webcam capture to web etc like people have already described.

Comment Re:Picasa (Score 1) 361

After struggling with F-Spot, I got fed up and switched to Picasa - never looked back. Yes it's using WINE, it's not open source, and it probably reports stats back to Google, but its so fraking fast compared to anything native to Linux, it leaves them for dust! This new Shotwell? Well, I'll give it a shot.

Comment Re:If you want to be free (Score 1) 340

you make some very good points. i was about to post a similar objection (i.e. that the android model is similar to shareware / freeware and the black hats can exploit that so it's "caveat emptor") but your post stopped me in my tracks. i still abhor the iphone marketing model. maybe something like a peer-review process could solve this...

Comment Re:Ideas (Score 1) 533

Can someone PLEASE un-mod / re-mod anagama's post??? He has totally misinformed Slashdot about a fantastic answer to the original question by going to .com and NOT .org. It looks like he didn't even visit because it's damn obvious it's not a privacy related site. Well, ok it features private parts but that's stretching the joke.

Comment Runes of Magic (Score 2, Interesting) 201

A friend put me onto Runes of Magic (which uses Micro Transactions) as I was an ex-WoW player, vowing to never pay for MMO games again. So I played for free for a couple of months and enjoyed not having the "pressure" to get value for money that a monthly fee seems to induce. The decision to buy a mount using real $$'s came easily. A few more purchases later, I'd spend about $50 and felt I had got my moneys worth. I spend when *I* want, not when a certain date passes. I can take a break for a few weeks and nothing is lost (although a few purchases do have a time limit)

The model works very well!!

Comment What if the actual passphrase was illegal to say? (Score 2, Interesting) 708

Say the passphrase was something like "I am going to kill the Queen", or maybe just something against a company policy eg if the passphrase was "my company's root admin password is JaBB3erw0cky". (I can't think of better examples right now, I'm sure something must be illegal to say in the UK? - other than "Lloyds is pants" of course)

By being forced to say the passphrase, in effect the government is forcing you to break the law, or reveal company secrets. I wonder what would happen....?

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