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Comment Re:They dropped early on... (Score 0) 336

Yea most site wont get you anywhere close to 30/30. But its when you are doing multiple things at the same time that it is useful. Batch upload to say picasa, downloading your uhh latest linux distros, streaming your Hulu plus.

Sure 95% of the time you arent using most of that 30/30. But assuming you don't work at home, have a day job, chances are you are doing several things when you first get home. Thats where the extra bandwidth is useful. That and within the last 2 years you can already see websites upgrading their streams. Even youtube which had HORRIBLE video quality originally now offers 1080p? (or was it 720p max?I know I've seen some stuff where you can at least watch 720p).

Comment Re:Weird terminology (Score 0) 255

Microsoft just wants you to associate them with soft blankets.
They also want tax deductions from governments for setting up this blanket license (that no one will qualify for) e.g. Registered as a non-profit with microsoft AND recognized by the US government as ____ AND has less than 3 people in your organisation but more than 1! :p

Then they can say oh we donated 5 bajeeeellion dollars worth of software to nonprofits! (Except no one qualified for them.) Can I has tax reductions?

Comment Re:Zygna is the worst (Score 0) 319

try mobile weapons: battlestations
they have flash animated battle sequences!

the game play consists of press to explore, press battle, repair, repeat! wooo...... yea.. mindless stupid games. you are now level 160! and people pay for stuff like extra AP (Action points.. to do more of the above), weapons (different animations with bigger numbers!). Sure they have clan wars. but its the same.

Comment Re:Game Balance and Sportsmanship (Score 0) 319

There was also a 4 of a kind rule to limit how many of those cards you could put into your deck. Sure you could own 5000 copies but you can only put 4 in to play with. And even with the minimum amount of 60 cards thats 1/15. Plus the cards are balanced so there is no instant win. If you actually look at more recent sets, the rares are now BIGGER in terms of power difference compared to older cards. Most people playing tournaments in MTG tend to be able to afford 4ofs whatever they need anyways. Its not a pay to win situation as there are very strict limits as to the cards.

Zynga is totally different. its directly proportional to how much money you spend. MTG once you get 4 of every card, its pointless buying more. You could buy the MINIMUM $500 package from zynga a couple times and you could still buy more.

Comment *is unhappy at the choices too* (Score 0) 342

My dad gave me his old Lumix (Micro four thirds) when he got a new DSLR. Its small and lightweight like a point and shoot but takes amazing pictures. All my friends love the balanced color saturation. My only gripe is the 2.5x zoom on it. Its great for landscape photos but I've missed quite a few shots of wildlife because of the lacking zoom.

Also I own a cellphone camera (which I stopped using about a week in. 2megapixel is pretty bad quality)
And a webcam which I've never considered as a camera.

Comment Re:Sure it is! (Score 0) 156

How then would you know the police department isn't shopping for new shoes?

All the data they really need would be tread marks. I mean what they use it for is probably just to help identify suspects based on the imprint to determine height/weight (based off size and depth of imprint). Then the wear of the tread to tell how old the shoes are roughly. What does finding the brand and exact style of the shoes have to do with everything? If a suspect leaves shoe prints, they have most of the data they need already.

Comment Re:Sony? (Score 0) 374

Better check the tags on all the items you own for made in china, assembled in china etc. then? It's gonna be a while till they stop supplying a good bulk of US goods.

Oh and BTW, most of our national debt is also owed to China. Assuming you are paying your taxes, a portion (I hope) will go to repaying that debt. So I don't know how you are going to get past that. (Not pay taxes?)

My point is, a good chunk of the US economy is based off of trade and debt to China. I don't think its possible for your money to NOT flow the China. You might need to move to a less industrialized country for that to happen.

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