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Comment Re:WHAT!? (Score 2) 249

Only an idiot would pay the extra $$ for Windows Server (which isn't cheap), only to wipe it and install Linux. Typically, these users purchase a server with either a Linux distro pre-installed (such as RHEL), or no OS at all and install it themselves (usually the latter case).

Kentucky Lawmakers Shocked To Find Evolution In Biology Tests 1218

bbianca127 writes "Kentucky mandated that schools include tests that are based on national standards, and contracted test maker ACT to handle them. Legislators were then shocked that evolution was so prominently featured, even though evolution is well-supported and a central tenet of modern biology. One KY Senator said he wanted creationism taught alongside evolution, even though the Supreme Court has ruled that teaching creationism in science classes is a violation of the establishment clause. Representative Ben Wade stated that evolution is just a theory, and that Darwin made it all up. Legislators want ACT to make a Kentucky-specific ACT test, though the test makers say that would be prohibitively expensive. This is just the latest in a round of states' fight against evolution — Louisiana and Tennessee have recently passed laws directed against teaching evolution."

Comment Re:It's the server that's not (Score 2) 361

So is the money in your wallet, someone could easily come along and knock you out and steal it.

The same with banks, with enough effort a bank heist could still happen (whether it would be worth it is another story)

All you can ever do is raise the difficulty, you can never make stealing impossible.

Yes, but:

Your money can vanish at any time and nobody's providing insurance.

That's the key difference.

Comment Re:Oracle not worth it (Score 1) 170

You want to know something? Because it's so expensive, then the companies that can afford it can also afford to pay high amounts for the people who look after it, and that's where I come in.

Or in the case of my company, because Oracle's software costs so god-damned much, they can't pay us as much as we'd like...

Comment Re:Use 1.9 until 2014-04-08 (Score 1) 250

The alternative is sticking with jQuery 1.9 until April 8, 2014 [], and then flipping to jQuery 2.0.

Not necessarily. Just because MS doesn't officially support it anymore, doesn't mean it's going to just go away. Unfortunately, in our market (web-based MLS software), we're going to have to support these legacy versions long after MS ditches them.

Comment Disagree (Score 4, Insightful) 326


There are always going to be exceptions to any rule. But if you are a betting person, you would increase your odds of becoming a tech executive if you have a college education and a senior executive if you have a management degree.

I respectfully disagree. What do Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniac, Michael Dell, and Mark Zuckerberg have in common? They were smart enough to realize that you have to strike while the iron is hot. All staying in school would have done for these guys is ensure that they missed the boat on their respective opportunities and found themselves in arguably more menial jobs as a result.

This article sounds like it was sponsored by a bunch of universities or something.

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