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Comment Re:Good idea, but ... (Score 3, Informative) 172

Bittorrent does this at the application layer, meaning it's only applicable to that specific application. Multipath TCP accomplishes this at the transport layer, meaning existing applications don't specifically have to be coded to support this, they would just need minor changes (if any) to make use of it. See the OSI model for more info.

Comment The purpose of Fedora Core (Score 1) 92

The purpose of the Fedora Core project is to be a massive, real-world test-bed for software packages based on current versions of software that will eventually find its way into a future version of RHEL (and by extension CentOS and Oracle Enterprise Linux) once hardened. If you view it this way, it makes perfect sense why Red Hat treats Fedore Core the way they do.

Comment Re:This was definitely needed! (Score 1) 100

I think Starbucks uses slow consumer-grade DSL connections, because that's what it feels like. Upstream capacity is severely limited, and downstream is only slightly less so. I remember attempting a Facetime call and getting less than one frame per second in both directions and constant reconnecting...turned off Wi-Fi and it was smooth as silk.

You, sir, are correct (source: I used to work for Wayport/AT&T).

Comment Re:New features? (Score 1) 147

God forbid the someone was to pull a Bobby tables [] because we didn't have someone qualified creating and maintaining the databases at all times.

Wouldn't preventing a "Bobby tables" incident be more on the application developers plate than the DBA's?

Comment Re:Great in theory (Score 1) 203

but "not worth my time" attitude is kinda strange since it takes no time at all to use it?

What I'd imagine he's saying is it's "not worth my time" to develop and test an application against a database that's ultimately not going to be used when pushed into the production environment (ie, cheap hosting providers that only offer MySQL). I can't say I really blame him.


Disease Outbreak Threatens the Future of Good Coffee 259

Wired reports on a disease infecting coffee plants across Central America that could lead to shortages around the world. "Regional production fell by 15 percent last year, putting nearly 400,000 people out of work, and that’s just a taste of what’s to come. The next harvest season begins in October, and according to the International Coffee Organization, crop losses could hit 50 percent." The disease is called coffee rust, and it has been damaging crops to some degree since the 1800s. It's not known yet exactly why coffee rust has become such a problem now, but one of the leading suspects is climate change. "Since the mid-20th century, though, weather patterns in Central America and northern South America have shifted. Average temperatures are warmer across the region, with extremes of both heat and cold becoming more pronounced; so are extreme rainfall events." The fungus that causes coffee rust thrives on warm, humid air, and higher temperatures have allowed it to climb to higher altitudes than ever before. But another likely cause is the way in which coffee is planted and harvested these days: the plants evolved as shade-dwellers, but are now often placed in direct sunlight. They're also clustered closer together, which facilitates the spread of disease. "The integrity of this once-complicated ecosystem has been slowly breaking down, which is what happens when you try to grow coffee like corn."

Comment Re:remote desktop vs windows (Score 1) 197

Yes...try reading the article:

- Another new back-end is providing RDP support, Microsoft's Remote Desktop Protocol. While this isn't the proper remote Wayland implementation previously talked about with experimental code, RDP clients can now connect to this Weston back-end that is compliant with FreeRDP.

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