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Comment Re:Revenge of the smokers (Score 3, Insightful) 978

Most obese people never made a choice to be obese, their lifestyle made them that way.

Really ? Because sitting around watching TV and eating larger portions and junkier food isn't a choice ? Well according to your statement, it's their lifestyle which IS a choice - or at least that aspect is. I also made a choice to go to the gym more and eat healthier - why can't obese people make the same one ? Doesn't even have to be the gym, try talking a walk outside twice a week or skipping the mid afternoon soda.

Comment Re:What's the goal of it? (Score 1) 688

They're looking to achieve a no fly zone so the guy doesn't keep bombing his own people. We can speculate all we want about how this is another example of the US meddling in other nation's affairs, but the fact of the matter is this guy WAS BOMBING HIS OWN PEOPLE. Even after his 'cease-fire'... you know the one he agreed to right before he began shelling, and sent the tanks to, Benghazi.

Comment Re:Enough of this already (Score 2, Interesting) 433

What I have a problem with is that this button is, to me, a criticism of Tolkien. While it may not be explicit criticism, i.e., 'Tolkien was a bad writer' I think it is very much implied. Under section 107 of the 1976 act, criticism is covered under fair use. Although the article doesn't say which law the Tolkien estate is citing, or even that they are using US law (although they have been fond of it in the past), I suspect it would have very little impact on "(4) the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work"

Comment Re:Already happened? (Score 4, Insightful) 312

There is a mistake in thinking like this. You assume an absolute version of time. Relativity shows us that this is not the case. There is no universal time clock, and since nothing can be transmitted faster than light, not even information (barring crazy stuff like quantum entanglement) - it only matters when we observe it. Like the uncertainty principle, all common thinking tells is is that the atom must have a definite position and velocity - but it doesn't because we can't measure it. Same applies here, we can't measure things until the information reaches us, so that is when it happens.

Comment Re:real science (Score 1) 672

Ok, you complain of politics and bullshit in the scientific process, but then go on to say that anything that disagrees with you is 'oil backed' and the GP is afraid of living in the dark ages like a vegan hippie ? I hope that you see the hypocrisy there.

Comment Re:Double Dipping? (Score 1) 315

If every network operator were required to let other network operators connect to them for free, where exactly is the revenue going to come from for ISPs that don't have any retail customers?

lolwut ? That is how the internet has worked since the beginning of time. Do you not understand that the internet is just a series of connected networks ? Comcast does have retail customers, so that is a moot point anyways.

Why should Level3 get to connect to the network for free?

Because their customers are paying for the privilege of accessing content from any provider

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