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Comment I'm kinda torn on this (Score 1) 461

I can see one side of mandating these connections. Say you're building a house and decide its going to be off-grid solar and water in North Carolina. Like 99% of the population, you don't buy the house outright and have a mortgage on it. You lose your job, you default and the house goes into foreclosure. The connection of these utilities is important to a lot of people who might buy your home since it's seen as a necessary amenity by many, so the bank or the homebuyer is now on the hook for those setups, even though you didn't own the home outright. To these people, buying a car without these connections is like buying a car without tires on it.

Comment Re:Are they really that scared? (Score 1) 461

While true that they don't need special equipment for a small number of homes, they will have to spend quite a bit on the grid if that number continues to rise because the grid is currently designed for central, not distributed, power generation. Someone mentioned it in another thread, but separating the 'grid connection' cost from the power cost is the best solution to this and is done in other countries. The power companies who don't use this method are essentially treating the grid as a cost center, and I think that's why solar terrifies them. Hopefully they'll figure it out sooner or later.

Comment Uncooperative witnesses (Score 1) 218

This could be a case of mistaken nomenclature. Sure, it sounds like its just a guy that won't talk, but I doubt they put everyone on there that doesn't talk or the list would be a mile long, which is what they're trying to avoid. However, that guy, thats always around crime and has been questioned regarding 10 gang incidents, but is supposedly not in the gang, and won't talk? It signifies affiliation. It also points out which areas are under severe threat from gang intimidation.

I don't know, they didn't really go into too much detail about the term, but its mentioned alongside gang activities, so that's my guess. Point is that we're being really pedantic about two words that weren't expounded upon as a reason to scrap what appears to be a pretty level-headed approach to prosecution. Sounds like throwing the baby out with the bathwater to me.

Comment Maybe not, but we can try to isolate (Score 1) 584

The monkey studies on this was really interesting. The same toy disposition even effected sexes of monkeys, repeatable in more than one study. It proves that there's a biological aspect behind this predisposition. Of course, we're all wired differently and that doesn't mean everyone SHOULD have those same predisposition, it just explains why a 'normal' behavior exists.

Comment Re:I wonder if anyone here has actually played it? (Score 1) 171

One anecdote does not make it a random bug, multiple reviewers have mentioned the bug as well and it is considered a serious issue for the PC platform by many, not just me. Some people seem to think it has to do with the physics calculations in the game or a problem with the game's lighting engine (which changes daytime based on the length the game has been open). It happens regardless of settings, you can play at high/high with everything else on and it happens, or medium/low with everything off (what I'm running at now) and it happens. VRAM usage has been ruled out too, one tester got the settings lower than the card's VRAM and still got the bug while staring up at the sky and even in the menus. It only starts up after a fast travel or cutscene, so it can be mitigated (for a while) by restarting the game and hoping it doesn't pop up again. Sometimes it shows up again after one cutscene, other times it doesn't show up for 5 hours.

This bug is the result of garbage QA, and ubisoft should be ashamed for the crap they released. I feel dirty for even buying it.

Comment A random thought on reprocessing fuel (Score 1) 138

I know that the fuel has a lot of usable energy left that could be used in politically toxic reactors. I'm curious how difficult it is to transport that stuff? I know we use cooling ponds ad current reactors, is that the stuff that's the most lucrative in breeder reactors? How do you transport that kind of material? Or is the good breeder fuel just the stuff that has been moved the casks/etc that doesn't get so hot and volatile.

Comment Re:I wonder if anyone here has actually played it? (Score 1) 171

I have it, and I have a really good computer with two GTX 770's in SLI. Regardless of whether I play the game in single or SLI mode, no matter what the settings are, there is a game-crippling bug that pops up randomly and forces you to restart the game to make it playable. Its every 4-5 seconds you get a masssive quarter-second stutter and your vision flips if you play with a mouse. People with low end hardware, high end hardware, low and high settings all have this problem. If you encounter it and try to play through it its the most unbearable existence in gaming ever.

This is on top of the light flickering issue, the stuck issues (I experienced one last night after the recent patch), and everything else. It is completely unacceptable that I'm having to play the game on low just to make it functional and have to restart it every hour or two if the stutterbug pops up. It is, without a doubt, the buggiest game I've ever bought.

Comment Re:Anecdotal "evidence" (Score 1) 222

The amount of draw in cold locations is not obvious because a lot of people use gas for heating instead of electric. Total energy usage is greater when the heat/ac is on, regardless of location, but total electricity usage is not. The transition to renewables means less gas is also a given, so its important to look at it from a power perspective.

That said, the Florida example is a terrible one, I'm guessing you don't live there? The sun sets close to 8 PM in the middle of the summer, the layover of peak usage is because the house is still being cooled down by AC.

Comment Good math, but partially missed the poiint (Score 1) 554

Part of the highway trust fund deals with expanding capacity, which is directly related to the quantity, not damage, the vehicles produce. If we didn't have cars on the road, we wouldn't need such a massive network of roads with high capacity. In that sense, there has to be a mod on the calculation based purely on the existence of more traffic on the road, not just its weight.

Comment Re:Ok, even giving them the benefit of the doubt (Score 1) 262

Normally, I do. Last year I bought Black Flag around new years for like $35 and enjoyed it immensely, and I bought Bioshock Infinite during the summer steam sale for like $10. I guess ubisoft they bought some good karma with black flag and I was too trusting, shame on me. I thought the other guy's post on this thread talking about how a bad/good release in a franchise effects the next iteration's sales was very apropos. I feel I fell into that trap.

Comment Re:Ok, even giving them the benefit of the doubt (Score 1) 262

I have the same processor as you too, am playing at 1080p and the game is installed on an SSD and is played on Windows 7. I had to jump AA down to FXAA (post-processing, not real AA), disable bloom, disable ambient occlusion, and notch down a few other settings, vaguely recall shadow and lighting, but haven't played in two days so I'm not sure. Oddly, switching from fullscreen to borderless windowed (I have two monitors) improved performance, when in all cases the opposite should happen.

Every couple seconds the game has a small 'hiccup' for a few frames which is visibly noticeable and jarring. It makes smooth gameplay virtually impossible. I find it so unbearable I am not willing to play the game until its fixed. Also, I've experienced a lot of the position glitching issues you mentioned. They crop up most when climbing/descending. At one point, I was climbing on a ledge that had a ledge 'undercarriage' if you will, and the character only made it halfway up, got stuck in the undercarriage, and slowly slipped down into the pile of enemies I was running from. Not fond memories of the original Counter Strike clipping issues with vehicles on servers came to mind.

Comment Re:Ok, even giving them the benefit of the doubt (Score 4, Interesting) 262

Problem is the game plays like shit no matter what hardware you're using. The claim against AMD is unfounded because a GTX770, a near-flagship card, can't play the game worth a damn, even with lowered settings. I can't beleive I wasted money buying that garbage.

Comment Re:Runs fine on my system, despite the bugs (Score 3) 262

A $500 graphics card and a high end processor making it playable is not acceptable. I have a GTX770 and an i5 (3.4ghz) and it plays like garbage, no matter if I lower the settings significantly. The game hiccups every 5 seconds or so noticeably and suffers random spikes during big action, making it difficult to keep track of your character. There are several beautiful games with not-so-lower graphics that have come out in the past couple years that I can run over 100FPS. Thief, Tomb Raider, Skyrim with 4k textures and mods, Battlefield 4, among others.

AC:U is a poorly designed peice of shit. If it was designed better, you'd be getting more performance with your current hardware. I bought it early because I thought Black Flag was excellent, serves me right I guess.

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